steel wool

steel wool
a tangled or matted mass of stringlike steel shavings, used for scouring, polishing, smoothing, etc.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Steel wool — or wire wool is a bundle of strands of very fine soft steel filaments, used in finishing and repairing work to polish wood or metal objects, as well as for household cleaning. Steel wool is made from low carbon steel (low enough to be close to… …   Wikipedia

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  • steel wool — steel′ wool′ n. bui a tangled or matted mass of stringlike steel shavings, used for scouring, polishing, smoothing, etc • Etymology: 1895–1900 …   From formal English to slang

  • steel wool — ► NOUN ▪ fine strands of steel matted together into a mass, used as an abrasive …   English terms dictionary

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  • steel wool — noun a mass of woven steel fibers used as an abrasive • Syn: ↑wire wool • Hypernyms: ↑abrasive, ↑abradant, ↑abrasive material * * * noun : an abrasive material composed of long fine steel shavings and used especially for scouring and burnishing * …   Useful english dictionary

  • steel wool — N UNCOUNT Steel wool is a mass of fine steel threads twisted together into a small ball and used for cleaning hard surfaces or removing paint …   English dictionary

  • steel wool — /stil ˈwʊl/ (say steel wool) noun fine threads or shavings of steel, tangled into a small pad, and used for scouring, polishing, etc …  

  • steel wool — noun Steel wool is used before these nouns: ↑pad …   Collocations dictionary

  • steel-wool pad — noun abrader consisting of a pad of steel wool used for polishing or smoothing • Hypernyms: ↑abrader, ↑abradant …   Useful english dictionary

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