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Spaulder — Armour to protect the shoulder comprising lames or thin metal plates stretching downwards. [< OldFr. espalde < Lat. spatula = shoulder blade] … Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases
spaulder — /spawl deuhr/, n. Armor. a pauldron, esp. one for protecting only a shoulder. Also called monnion. [earlier spauld shoulder (ME spald, spalde < OF espalde, espalle < L spatula SPATULA) + ER1] … Useful english dictionary
Components of medieval armour — Following is a table that concisely identifies various pieces of medieval armour, mostly plate but some mail, arranged by the part of body that is protected and roughly by date. No attempt has been made to identify fastening components or various … Wikipedia
Mail (armour) — Chainmail redirects here. For other uses, see Chainmail (disambiguation). Maille redirects here. For one of several French villages, see Maillé (disambiguation). Maille redirects here. For the French mustard company, see Maille (company). Riveted … Wikipedia
Codpiece — Henry VIII wearing a codpiece A codpiece (from Middle English: cod, meaning scrotum ) is a covering flap or pouch that attaches to the front of the crotch of men s trousers and usually accentuates the genital area. It was held closed by string… … Wikipedia
Cuirass — This article is about a type of armour. For details of cavalry wearing cuirasses, see cuirassier. For information about cuirass ventilation, see iron lung. An 1854 cuirass worn by the French Cuirassiers … Wikipedia
Epaulette — (PronEng|ˈɛpǝlɛt [] ) is a French word meaning little shoulder (from épaule , meaning shoulder ). Epaulettes are a type of ornamental shoulder piece or decoration used as insignia or rank by the… … Wikipedia
Cervelliere — c. 1240/1250. The cervelliere is a round, close fitting steel skull cap. It was worn as a helmet during the medieval period. History It was first introduced during the late 12th and was the primary head protection for Crusaders at that time and… … Wikipedia
Gorget — For the feathers, see gorget (bird). The gorget shown in this 1772 portrait of Colonel George Washington by Charles Willson Peale, worn as part of Washington s uniform in the French and Indian War to symbolize his commission as an officer in the… … Wikipedia
Couter — External images Large couter(The left couter on this armour has large wings to protect the inside of the arm.) … Wikipedia