slipper sock

slipper sock
a sock with a soft leather or vinyl sole sewn onto it, used as indoor footwear.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • slipper sock — /ˈslɪpə sɒk/ (say slipuh sok) noun a thick woollen sock with a soft synthetic sole …  

  • slipper sock — a sock with a soft leather or vinyl sole sewn onto it, used as indoor footwear …   Useful english dictionary

  • slipper — noun he pulled on his slippers Syn: bedroom slipper, house shoe, slipper sock, moccasin; mule …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • sock — ► NOUN 1) a knitted garment for the foot and lower part of the leg. 2) an insole. 3) informal a hard blow. ► VERB informal ▪ hit forcefully. ● knock (or blow) someone s socks off Cf. ↑knock …   English terms dictionary

  • Sock — A sock is a knitted or woven type of hosiery garment for enclosing the human foot. Socks are designed to: * ease chafing between the foot and footwear, * keep the feet warm * provide comfort * be fashionable * keep the feet clean Sock is also the …   Wikipedia

  • sock — {{11}}sock (n.) O.E. socc light slipper, a West Germanic borrowing from L. soccus light low heeled shoe, variant of Gk. sykchos a kind of shoe, perhaps from Phrygian or another Asiatic language. To knock the socks off (someone) beat thoroughly is …   Etymology dictionary

  • sock — sock1 sockless, adj. socklessness, n. /sok/, n., pl. socks or, for 1, also sox. 1. a short stocking usually reaching to the calf or just above the ankle. 2. a lightweight shoe worn by ancient Greek and Roman comic actors. 3. comic writing for the …   Universalium

  • sock — noun 1》 a knitted garment for the foot and lower part of the leg. 2》 an insole. 3》 a white marking on the lower part of a horse s leg. 4》 informal a hard blow.     ↘N. Amer. force or emphasis. verb informal 1》 hit forcefully. 2》 (sock something… …   English new terms dictionary

  • sock — I [[t]sɒk[/t]] n. pl. socks or, for1, sometimes sox 1) clo a short stocking usu. reaching to the calf or just above the ankle 2) clo sbz a lightweight shoe worn by ancient Greek and Roman comic actors 3) cvb sbz comic writing for the theater;… …   From formal English to slang

  • sock — 1. n. (pl. socks or or informal & Commerce sox) 1 a short knitted covering for the foot, usu. not reaching the knee. 2 a removable inner sole put into a shoe for warmth etc. 3 an ancient Greek or Roman comic actor s light shoe. 4 comic drama.… …   Useful english dictionary

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