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  • gratefully — adv. Gratefully is used with these verbs: ↑accept, ↑acknowledge, ↑nod, ↑receive, ↑sink, ↑thank …   Collocations dictionary

  • gratefully — grateful ► ADJECTIVE ▪ feeling or showing gratitude. DERIVATIVES gratefully adverb. ORIGIN from obsolete grate pleasing, thankful , from Latin gratus …   English terms dictionary

  • Gratefully — Grateful Grate ful, a. [Grate, a. + full; cf. F. gr[ e] thanks, good will, fr. L. gratum, neut. of gratus agreeable, grateful. See {Grate}, a.] 1. Having a due sense of benefits received; kindly disposed toward one from whom a favor has been… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • gratefully — adverb see grateful …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • gratefully — adverb In a grateful manner …   Wiktionary

  • gratefully — (Roget s IV) modif. Syn. appreciatively, thankfully, with a sense of obligation, delightedly, responsively, admiringly. Ant. rudely*, ungratefully, thanklessly …   English dictionary for students

  • gratefully — adv. thankfully, appreciatively …   English contemporary dictionary

  • gratefully — grate·ful·ly …   English syllables

  • gratefully — See: grateful …   English dictionary

  • gratefully — adverb 1. with appreciation; in a grateful manner he accepted my offer appreciatively • Syn: ↑appreciatively • Ant: ↑ungratefully, ↑unappreciatively (for: ↑appreciatively) …   Useful english dictionary

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