
/sem"euh lee'/, n. Class. Myth.
a daughter of Cadmus and mother, by Zeus, of Dionysus. Cf. Thyone.

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In Greek mythology, a daughter of Cadmus and Harmonia, and the mother of Dionysus.

When Semele became the lover of Zeus, Hera was enraged, and she coaxed Semele into asking to see the god in all his splendour. Having promised to grant Semele's every wish, Zeus was forced to comply. The thunderbolts emanating from him destroyed Semele, but Zeus rescued the unborn Dionysus from the ashes. Some stories hold that Dionysus later descended into Hades and brought Semele back to take her place among the immortals.

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also called  Thyone,  

      in Greek mythology, a daughter of Cadmus and Harmonia, at Thebes, and mother of Dionysus (Bacchus) by Zeus. Semele's liaison with Zeus enraged Zeus's wife, Hera, who, disguised as an old nurse, coaxed Semele into asking Zeus to visit her in the same splendour in which he would appear before Hera. Zeus had already promised to grant Semele her every wish and thus was forced to grant a wish that would kill her: the splendour of his firebolts, as god of thunder, destroyed Semele. Zeus saved their unborn child, Dionysus, from the womb and kept him in his thigh until the baby was ready to be born. The story that Dionysus, himself immortal, descended into Hades after reaching maturity and brought Semele back, and she too became an immortal or even a goddess is found on an Attic black-figure hydria from the Leagros Group (c. 520 BC) and in Pindar's Olympian ode 2.

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