- self-teaching
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
self-teaching — savimoka statusas T sritis švietimas apibrėžtis Savarankiškas kokių nors mokymo programų turinio studijavimas siekiant išsimokslinimo. Žmogus, neturintis mokslo cenzo, bet gerai vykdantis tam tikras pareigas, vadinamas savamoksliu. atitikmenys:… … Enciklopedinis edukologijos žodynas
self-teaching — self′ teach′ing adj … From formal English to slang
self-teaching — /sɛlf ˈtitʃɪŋ/ (say self teeching) adjective teaching oneself …
self-teaching — adj … Useful english dictionary
Self-teaching kit — Комплект учебных материалов для самоучителя … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
teaching — Synonyms and related words: a belief, adage, ana, analects, aphorism, apothegm, article of faith, assignment, autodidactic, axiom, belief, byword, canon, catchword, chalk talk, charge, coeducational, collected sayings, command, commission, credo … Moby Thesaurus
Self-enquiry — (also spelled self inquiry) (Sanskrit IAST|ātma vicāra ) is a practice of meditation designed to rapidly bring about Self realization, Self awareness, spiritual liberation or enlightenment, and is most commonly associated with its most famous… … Wikipedia
Self access language learning centers — are educational facilities designed for student learning that is at least partially, if not fully self directed. Students have access to resources ranging from photocopied exercises with answer keys to computer software for language learning.… … Wikipedia
Self (Programmiersprache) — Self The Power of Simplicity Objektorientierte Sprache Basisdaten Entwickler Sun Aktuelle Version 4.4 (16. Juli 2010) Betriebssystem … Deutsch Wikipedia
Teaching method — Teaching methods are best articulated by answering the questions, What is the purpose of education? and What are the best ways of achieving these purposes? . For much of prehistory, educational methods were largely informal, and consisted of… … Wikipedia