
/seuh poh"tee, -tay/, n.
1. Also called marmalade tree. a tree, Pouteria sapota, of the sapodilla family, native to Mexico and Central America, having large leaves and sweet, edible fruit.
2. the fruit of this tree.
Also, sapota. Also called mammee, marmalade plum.
[1550-60; < AmerSp; see SAPOTA]

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also spelled  zapote,  also called  marmalade tree 
 (species Pouteria sapota), plant of the sapodilla family (Sapotaceae), native to Central America but cultivated as far north as the southeastern United States. It grows to about 23 metres (75 feet) tall, bears small, pinkish white flowers, and has hard, durable, reddish wood. The edible fruit is rusty brown, rather spherical, and about 5–10 cm (2–4 inches) in diameter. The reddish flesh is spicy in flavour.

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