
/rooht"l ay'tid/, adj. Mineral.
containing fine, embedded needles of rutile.
[1885-90; < L rutilat(us) (ptp. of rutilare; see RUTILANT, -ATE1) + -ED2]

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  • rutilated — ru·ti·lat·ed …   English syllables

  • rutilated — /rooht l ay tid/, adj. Mineral. containing fine, embedded needles of rutile. [1885 90; < L rutilat(us) (ptp. of rutilare; see RUTILANT, ATE1) + ED2] …   Useful english dictionary

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  • rutile — /rooh teel, tuyl/, n. a common mineral, titanium dioxide, TiO2, usually reddish brown in color with a brilliant metallic or adamantine luster, occurring in crystals: used to coat welding rods. [1795 1805; < F < G Rutil < L rutilus RED1] * * *… …   Universalium

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  • venus hairstone — noun see venus s hairstone * * * /hair stohn / a variety of rutilated quartz, used as a gemstone. Cf. sagenite. [1880 85; HAIR + STONE] …   Useful english dictionary

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