Runge-Kutta method — Runge s ir Kutt o metodas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. Runge Kutta method vok. Runge Kutta Verfahren, n rus. метод Рунге Кутта, m pranc. méthode de Runge Kutta, f ryšiai: sinonimas – Rungės ir Kuto metodas … Automatikos terminų žodynas
Runge–Kutta method (SDE) — In mathematics, the Runge Kutta method is a technique for the approximate numerical solution of a stochastic differential equation. It is a generalization of the Runge Kutta method for ordinary differential equations to stochastic differential… … Wikipedia
Runge-Kutta method — /roong euh koot ah/, Math. a numerical method, involving successive approximations, used to solve differential equations. [1925 30; named after Carl D. T. Runge (1856 1927) and W. Kutta (1867 1944), German mathematicians] … Useful english dictionary
Runge-Kutta-Verfahren — Runge s ir Kutt o metodas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. Runge Kutta method vok. Runge Kutta Verfahren, n rus. метод Рунге Кутта, m pranc. méthode de Runge Kutta, f ryšiai: sinonimas – Rungės ir Kuto metodas … Automatikos terminų žodynas
Runge–Kutta methods — In numerical analysis, the Runge–Kutta methods (pronounced IPA|/ˌʀuŋgeˈkuta/) are an important family of implicit and explicit iterative methods for the approximation of solutions of ordinary differential equations. These techniques were… … Wikipedia
List of Runge–Kutta methods — Runge–Kutta methods are methods for the numerical solution of the ordinary differential equation:frac{d y}{d t} = f(t, y),which take the form:y {n+1} = y n + h sum {i=1}^s b i k i,:k i = fleft(t n + c i h, y n + h sum {j = 1}^s a {ij} k j… … Wikipedia
Runge–Kutta–Fehlberg method — In mathematics, the Runge–Kutta–Fehlberg method (or Fehlberg method) is a method for the numerical solution of ordinary differential equations developed by the German mathematician Erwin Fehlberg. Based on the Runge–Kutta methods, the Fehlberg… … Wikipedia
méthode de Runge-Kutta — Runge s ir Kutt o metodas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. Runge Kutta method vok. Runge Kutta Verfahren, n rus. метод Рунге Кутта, m pranc. méthode de Runge Kutta, f ryšiai: sinonimas – Rungės ir Kuto metodas … Automatikos terminų žodynas
Método de Runge-Kutta — El método de Runge Kutta es un método genérico de resolución numérica de ecuaciones diferenciales. Este conjunto de métodos fue inicialmente desarrollado alrededor del año 1900 por los matemáticos C. Runge y M. W. Kutta. Contenido 1 Descripción 1 … Wikipedia Español
Runge's ir Kutt'o metodas — statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. Runge Kutta method vok. Runge Kutta Verfahren, n rus. метод Рунге Кутта, m pranc. méthode de Runge Kutta, f ryšiai: sinonimas – Rungės ir Kuto metodas … Automatikos terminų žodynas