royal poinciana — n. a tropical tree (Delonix regia) of the caesalpinia family, with a flat crown of twice pinnately compound leaves and masses of intense scarlet flowers … English World dictionary
royal poinciana — noun showy tropical tree or shrub native to Madagascar; widely planted in tropical regions for its immense racemes of scarlet and orange flowers; sometimes placed in genus Poinciana • Syn: ↑flamboyant, ↑flame tree, ↑peacock flower, ↑Delonix regia … Useful english dictionary
royal Poinciana — karališkasis ugniamedis statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Cezalpinijinių šeimos dekoratyvinis, vaistinis augalas (Delonix regia), paplitęs Afrikoje (Madagaskare). atitikmenys: lot. Delonix regia angl. flamboyant; flametree; peacock flower;… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
Royal Poinciana Hotel — The Royal Poinciana Hotel was a Gilded Age hotel in Palm Beach, Florida, United States. Enlarged twice and doubling in size each time, it became the largest wooden structure in the world, with 1,700 employees and accommodations for 2,000 guests.… … Wikipedia
royal poinciana — noun Date: circa 1900 a showy Madagascan tree (Delonix regia syn. Poinciana regia) widely planted for its immense racemes of scarlet and orange flowers called also flamboyant, peacock flower … New Collegiate Dictionary
royal poinciana — noun A tropical tree, Delonix regia, grown for its bright red flower clusters; native to Madagascar but grown in many other tropical regions.; the flamboyant … Wiktionary
Royal poinciana — Delonix (E) … EthnoBotanical Dictionary
royal poinciana — roy′al poincian′a n. pln a tree, Delonix regia, of the legume family, native to Madagascar, having clusters of scarlet flowers and long, flat, woody pods Also called flame tree 2) • Etymology: 1895–1900 … From formal English to slang
royal poinciana — Ohai ula … English-Hawaiian dictionary
Poinciana — can refer to:* Delonix regia or Royal Poinciana, a tree * Caesalpinia pulcherrima , a shrub * Poinciana, Florida, a town in the United States * Poinciana (album), by jazz pianist Ahmad Jamal … Wikipedia