
/ree'peuh zish"euhn, rep'euh-/, n.
1. the act of depositing or storing.
2. replacement, as of a bone.
[1580-90; < LL reposition- (s. of repositio) a laying up, equiv. to L reposit(us) (see REPOSIT) + -ion- -ION]
repositionable, adj.
/ree'peuh zish"euhn/, v.t.
1. to put in a new or different position; shift: to reposition the artwork on the advertising layout.
2. to change the image, marketing strategy, etc., of (a product) so as to appeal to a wider or different audience or market: to reposition a diet drink to appeal to teenagers.
3. Med., Surg. to place (an organ or bone) in its original position.
[1855-60; RE- + POSITION (v.)]

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Universalium. 2010.

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