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      the procedure in quantum field theory by which divergent parts of a calculation, leading to nonsensical infinite results, are absorbed by redefinition into a few measurable quantities, so yielding finite answers.

      Quantum field theory, which is used to calculate the effects of fundamental forces at the quantum level, began with quantum electrodynamics, the quantum theory of the electromagnetic force. Initially it seemed that the theory led to infinite results. For example, the electron's ability constantly to emit and reabsorb “virtual” photons (i.e., photons that exist only for the time allowed by the uncertainty principle) means that its total energy and its mass are infinite. However, by redefining the mass of the “bare” electron to include these virtual processes and setting it equal to the measured mass—that is, by renormalizing—the problem is removed.

      Quantum electrodynamics has been the prototype for other quantum field theories. In particular, the highly successful electroweak theory, which incorporates the weak force together with the electromagnetic force, has proved to be renormalizable. Also, quantum chromodynamics, the theory of the strong force, appears to be renormalizable. However, a renormalizable theory that includes all the fundamental forces, in particular gravity, remains elusive.

Christine Sutton

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Universalium. 2010.

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