- register
/rej"euh steuhr/, n.1. a book in which records of acts, events, names, etc., are kept.2. a list or record of such acts, events, etc.3. an entry in such a book, record, or list.4. an official document issued to a merchant ship as evidence of its nationality.5. registration or registry.6. a mechanical device by which certain data are automatically recorded.7. See cash register.8. Music.a. the compass or range of a voice or an instrument.b. a part of this range produced in the same way and having the same quality: the head register; the upper register of the clarinet.c. (in an organ) a stop.9. a device for controlling the flow of warmed air or the like through an opening, as from a duct to an interior, composed of a number of narrow, parallel blades, usually behind a grating, that may be adjusted so as to overlap and close the opening.10. Photog. proper relationship between two plane surfaces in photography, as corresponding plates in photoengraving.11. Print.a. a precise adjustment or correspondence, as of lines, columns, etc., esp. on the two sides of a leaf.b. correct relation or exact superimposition, as of colors in color printing.12. a bookmark, esp. a ribbon attached to the spine of a book.13. Ling. a variety of language typically used in a specific type of communicative setting: an informal register; the register of scientific discourse.14. Computers. a high-speed storage location in the CPU, used to store a related string of bits, as a word or phrase.v.t.15. to enter or cause to be entered formally in a register.16. to cause (mail) to be recorded upon delivery to a post office for safeguarding against loss, theft, damage, etc., during transmission.17. to enroll (a student, voter, etc.) in a school or course of study, on the voting rolls, etc.18. to indicate by a record, as instruments do: The thermometer registered 102 degrees today.19. to indicate or show, as on a scale.20. Print. to adjust so as to secure exact correspondence; cause to be in register.21. Mil. to adjust (fire) on a known point.23. to document (a merchant ship engaged in foreign trade) by issuing a certificate of registry.v.i.24. to enter one's name or cause it to be entered in a register; enroll: to register at a motel.25. to apply for and obtain inclusion of one's name on the list of voters.26. to enroll in a school or course of study: I've registered for three English classes.27. Print. to be in register.28. to show: A broad smile registered on his face.29. to have some effect; make some impression: My plea didn't register on him at all.[1350-1400; ME registre < MF, OF < ML registrum, regestrum, alter. of LL regesta catalog, list, n. use of neut. pl. of L regestus, ptp. of regerere to carry back, pile up, collect, equiv. to re- RE + ges-, s. of gerere to bear + -tus ptp. suffix; (v.) ME registren ( < MF registrer) < ML registrare, deriv. of registrum]Syn. 1. record, ledger, archive. 2. roll, roster, catalogue, chronicle, schedule, annals. 15. enroll, list, record, catalogue, chronicle. 22. demonstrate, evince.
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Universalium. 2010.