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quasi-independent — adj.; quasi independently, adv … Useful english dictionary
quasi- — is used in combination with a following noun to denote things that are seemingly or only partly entitled to the name, e.g. a quasi conjunction, quasi independent. The recommended pronunciation is kway ziy rather than kwah zi … Modern English usage
Independent station (North America) — An independent station is television terminology used to describe a television station broadcasting in the United States or Canada that is not affiliated with any network. Some consider Fox, CW, and My Network TV affiliates quasi independent… … Wikipedia
Quasi-experimental design — A quasi experiment is a scientific research method primarily used in the social sciences. “Quasi” means likeness or resembling, so therefore quasi experiments share characteristics of true experiments which seek interventions or treatments. The… … Wikipedia
quasi- — comb. form 1 seemingly; apparently but not really (quasi scientific). 2 being partly or almost (quasi independent). Etymology: L quasi as if, almost … Useful english dictionary
Quasi Delay Insensitive — (QDI) circuits are a class of almost delay insensitive asynchronous circuits which are invariant to (and make no assumptions about) the delays of any of the circuit s wires or elements, except to assume that certain fanouts are isochronic.… … Wikipedia
Quasi-realism — is the meta ethical view which claims that: # Ethical sentences do not express propositions. # Instead, ethical sentences project emotional attitudes as though they were real properties.This makes quasi realism a form of non cognitivism or… … Wikipedia
Quasi-Monte Carlo methods in finance — High dimensional integrals in hundreds or thousands of variables occur commonly in finance. These integrals have to be computed numerically to within a threshold epsilon. If the integral is of dimension d then in the worst case, where one has a… … Wikipedia
Quasi-maximum likelihood — A quasi maximum likelihood estimate (QMLE, also known as a pseudo likelihood estimate or a composite likelihood estimate ) is an estimate of a parameter θ in a statistical model that is formed by maximizing a function that is related to the… … Wikipedia
Quasi-bipartite graph — In the mathematical field of graph theory, an instance of the Steiner tree problem (consisting of an undirected graph G and a set R of terminal vertices that must be connected to each other) is said to be quasi bipartite if the non terminal… … Wikipedia