
/pool"kee/; Sp. /poohl"ke/, n.
a fermented milky drink made from the juice of certain species of agave in Mexico.
[1685-95; < MexSp]

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▪ Mexican beer
      fermented alcoholic beverage made in Mexico since the pre-Columbian era. Cloudy and whitish in appearance, it has a sour buttermilk-like flavour and about 6 percent alcohol content. It is made from fermented aguamiel (“honey water”), the sap of any of several species of the agave, or maguey, plant (often called century plant).

      The aguamiel is collected by cutting the flower bud from a mature plant, leaving a basinlike cavity. The basin fills with liquid, the sap is drawn, and the cavity refills, providing up to 15 pints (7 litres) a day until the plant dies. The sap, containing approximately 10 percent sugar, is fermented in wooden barrels for several days, often with the addition of previously fermented pulque (madre pulque) to hasten the process.

      The freshly fermented beverage is consumed unaged, still containing suspended yeast cells, sometimes with added fruit-juice flavouring (pulque curado) or spiced with chiles or herbs. It is sold in containers or by the barrel to drinking houses (pulquerías). While most pulque is drunk within a few days of production, it is also pasteurized and bottled. It provides an important and inexpensive source of carbohydrates, amino acids, and vitamins.

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Universalium. 2010.

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