public health

public health
public-health, adj.
health services to improve and protect community health, esp. sanitation, immunization, and preventive medicine.

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Science and art of preventing disease, prolonging life, and promoting health through organized community efforts.

These include sanitation, control of contagious infections, hygiene education, early diagnosis and preventive treatment, and adequate living standards. It requires understanding not only of epidemiology, nutrition, and antiseptic practices but also of social science. Historical public health measures included quarantine of leprosy victims in the Middle Ages and efforts to improve sanitation following the 14th-century plague epidemics. Population increases in Europe brought with them increased awareness of infant deaths and a proliferation of hospitals. Britain's Public Health Act of 1848 established a special public health ministry. In the U.S., public health is studied and coordinated on a national level by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; internationally, the World Health Organization plays an equivalent role.

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      the art and science of preventing disease (human disease), prolonging life, and promoting physical and mental health, sanitation, personal hygiene, control of infection, and organization of health services. From the normal human interactions involved in dealing with the many problems of social life, there has emerged a recognition of the importance of community action in the promotion of health and the prevention and treatment of disease; this is expressed in the concept of public health.

      Comparable terms for public health medicine are social medicine and community medicine; the latter has been widely adopted in the United Kingdom, and the practitioners are called community physicians. The practice of public health draws heavily on medical science and philosophy and concentrates especially on manipulating and controlling the environment for the benefit of the public. It is concerned therefore with housing, water supplies, and food. Noxious agents can be introduced into these through farming, fertilizers, inadequate sewage disposal and drainage, construction, defective heating and ventilating systems, machinery, and toxic chemicals. Public health medicine is part of the greater enterprise of preserving and improving the public health. Community physicians cooperate with such diverse groups as architects, builders, sanitary and heating and ventilating engineers, factory and food inspectors, psychologists and sociologists, chemists, physicists, and toxicologists. Occupational medicine is concerned with the health, safety, and welfare of persons in the workplace. It may be viewed as a specialized part of public health medicine since its aim is to reduce the risks in the environment in which persons work.

      The venture of preserving, maintaining, and actively promoting public health requires special methods of information-gathering (epidemiology) and corporate arrangements to act upon significant findings and put them into practice. Statistics collected by epidemiologists attempt to describe and explain the occurrence of disease in a population by correlating factors such as diet, environment, radiation, or cigarette smoking with the incidence and prevalence of disease. The government, through laws and regulations, creates agencies to oversee and formally inspect such things as water supplies, food processing, sewage treatment, drains, air contamination, and pollution. Governments also are concerned with the control of epidemic infections by means of enforced quarantine and isolation—for example, the health control that takes place at seaports and airports in an attempt to assure that infectious diseases are not brought into a country.

      This section traces the historical development of public health, beginning in ancient times and emphasizing how various public health concepts have evolved. It outlines the organizational and administrative methods of handling these problems in the developed and the developing countries of the world. Special attention is given to the developing countries and to how the health problems, limitations of resources, education of health personnel, and other factors must be taken into account in designing health service systems. Finally, there are descriptions of the most recent developments in public health, together with some indications of the problems still to be solved.

History of public health

Beginnings in antiquity
      Most of the world's primitive people have practiced cleanliness and personal hygiene, often for religious reasons, including, apparently, a wish to be pure in the eyes of their gods. The Old Testament, for example, has many adjurations and prohibitions about clean and unclean living. Religion, law, and custom were inextricably interwoven. For thousands of years primitive societies looked upon epidemics as divine judgments on the wickedness of mankind. The idea that pestilence is due to natural causes, such as climate and physical environment, however, gradually developed. This great advance in thought took place in Greece (ancient Greek civilization) during the 5th and 4th centuries BC and represented the first attempt at a rational, scientific theory of disease causation. The association between malaria and swamps, for example, was established very early (503–403 BC), even though the reasons for the association were obscure. In the book Airs, Waters, and Places, thought to have been written by Hippocrates in the 5th or 4th century BC, the first systematic attempt was made to set forth a causal relationship between human diseases and the environment. Until the new sciences of bacteriology and immunology emerged well into the 19th century, this book provided a theoretical basis for the comprehension of endemic disease (that persisting in a particular locality) and epidemic disease (that affecting a number of people within a relatively short period).

The Middle Ages (Middle Ages)
      In terms of disease (infectious disease), the Middle Ages can be regarded as beginning with the plague of 542 and ending with the Black Death (bubonic plague) of 1348. Diseases in epidemic proportions included leprosy, bubonic plague, smallpox, tuberculosis, scabies, erysipelas, anthrax, trachoma, sweating sickness, and dancing mania (see infection (infectious disease)). The isolation of persons with communicable diseases first arose in response to the spread of leprosy. This disease became a serious problem in the Middle Ages and particularly in the 13th and 14th centuries.

      The Black Death reached the shores of southern Europe from the Middle East in 1348 and in three years swept throughout Europe. The chief method of combating plague was to isolate (quarantine) known or suspected cases as well as persons who had been in contact with them. The period of isolation at first was about 14 days and gradually was increased to 40 days. Stirred by the Black Death, public officials created a system of sanitary control to combat contagious diseases, using observation stations, isolation hospitals, and disinfection procedures. Major efforts to improve sanitation included the development of pure water supplies, garbage and sewage disposal, and food inspection. These efforts were especially important in the cities, where people lived in crowded conditions in a rural manner with many animals around their homes.

      During the Middle Ages a number of first steps in public health were made: attempts to cope with the unsanitary conditions of the cities and, by means of quarantine, to limit (preventive medicine) the spread of disease; the establishment of hospitals; and provision of medical care and social assistance.

The Renaissance (Renaissance)
      Centuries of technological advance culminated in the 16th and 17th centuries in a number of scientific accomplishments. Harvey, WilliamEducated leaders of the time recognized that the political and economic strength of the state required that the population maintain good health. No national health policies were developed in England or on the Continent, however, because the government lacked the knowledge and administrative machinery to carry out such policies. As a result, public health problems continued to be handled on a local community basis, as they had been in medieval times.

      Scientific advances of the 16th and 17th centuries laid the foundations of anatomy and physiology. Observation and classification made possible the more precise recognition of diseases. The idea that microscopic organisms might cause communicable diseases had begun to take shape.

      Among the early pioneers in public health medicine was John Graunt (Graunt, John), who in 1662 published a book of statistics, which had been compiled by parish and municipal councils, that gave numbers for deaths and sometimes suggested their causes. Inevitably the numbers were inaccurate but a start was made in epidemiology.

National developments in the 18th and 19th centuries
      Nineteenth-century movements to improve sanitation occurred simultaneously in several European countries and were built upon foundations laid in the period between 1750 and 1830. From about 1750 the population of Europe increased rapidly, and with this increase came a heightened awareness of the large numbers of infant deaths and of the unsavoury conditions in prisons and in mental institutions.

      This period also witnessed the beginning and the rapid growth of hospitals. Hospitals founded in Britain, as the result of voluntary efforts by private citizens, helped to create a pattern that was to become familiar in public health services. First, a social evil is recognized and studies are undertaken through individual initiative. These efforts mold public opinion and attract governmental attention. Finally, such agitation leads to governmental action.

      This era was also characterized by efforts to educate people in health matters. In 1852 Sir John Pringle (Pringle, Sir John, 1st Baronet) published a book that discussed ventilation in barracks and the provision of latrines. Two years earlier he had written about jail fever (now thought to be typhus), and again he emphasized the same needs as well as personal hygiene. In 1754 James Lind (Lind, James) published a treatise on scurvy, a disease caused by a lack of vitamin C.

      As the Industrial Revolution developed, the health and welfare of the workers deteriorated. In England (United Kingdom), where the Industrial Revolution and its bad effects on health were first experienced, there arose in the 19th century a movement toward sanitary reform that finally led to the establishment of public health institutions. Between 1801 and 1841 the population of London doubled; that of Leeds nearly tripled. With such growth there also came rising death rates. Between 1831 and 1844 the death rate per thousand increased in Birmingham from 14.6 to 27.2; in Bristol, from 16.9 to 31; and in Liverpool, from 21 to 34.8. These figures were the result of an increase in the urban population that far exceeded available housing and of the subsequent development of conditions that led to widespread disease and poor health.

      Around the beginning of the 19th century humanitarians and philanthropists in England worked to educate the population and the government on problems associated with population growth, poverty, and epidemics. Thomas Malthus wrote in 1798 about population growth, its dependence on food supply, and the control of breeding by contraceptive methods. The utilitarian philosopher Jeremy Bentham propounded the idea of the greatest good of the greatest number as a yardstick against which the morality of certain actions might be judged. Thomas Southwood Smith founded the Health of Towns Association in 1839, and by 1848 he served as a member of the new government department, then called the General Board of Health. He published reports on quarantine, cholera, yellow fever, and the benefits of sanitary improvements.

      The Poor Law Commission, created in 1834, explored problems of community health and suggested means for solving them. Its report, in 1838, argued that “the expenditures necessary to the adoption and maintenance of measures of prevention would ultimately amount to less than the cost of the disease now constantly engendered.” Sanitary surveys proved that a relationship exists between communicable disease and filth in the environment, and it was said that safeguarding public health is the province of the engineer rather than of the physician.

      The Public Health Act of 1848 established a General Board of Health to furnish guidance and aid in sanitary matters to local authorities, whose earlier efforts had been impeded by lack of a central authority. The board had authority to establish local boards of health and to investigate sanitary conditions in particular districts. Since this time several public health acts have been passed to regulate sewage and refuse disposal, the housing of animals, the water supply, prevention and control of disease, registration and inspection of private nursing homes and hospitals, the notification of births, and the provision of maternity and child welfare services.

      Advances in public health in England had a strong influence in the United States, where one of the basic problems, as in England, was the need to create effective administrative mechanisms for the supervision and regulation of community health. In America recurrent epidemics of yellow fever, cholera, smallpox, typhoid, and typhus made the need for effective public health administration a matter of urgency. The so-called Shattuck report, published in 1850 by the Massachusetts Sanitary Commission, reviewed the serious health problems and grossly unsatisfactory living conditions in Boston. Its recommendations included an outline for a sound public health organization based on a state health department and local boards of health in each town. In New York City (in 1866) such an organization was created for the first time in the United States.

      Nineteenth-century developments in Germany and France pointed the way for future public health action. France was preeminent in the areas of political and social theory. As a result the public health movement in France was deeply influenced by a spirit of public reform. The French contributed significantly to the application of scientific methods for the identification, treatment, and control of communicable disease.

      Although many public health trends in Germany resembled those of England and France, the absence of a centralized government until after the Franco-German War did cause significant differences. After the end of that war and the formation of the Second Reich, a centralized public health unit was formed. Another development was the emergence of hygiene as an experimental laboratory science. In 1865 the creation at Munich of the first chair in experimental hygiene signaled the entrance of science into the field of public health.

      There were other advances. The use of statistical analysis in handling health problems emerged. The forerunner of the United States Public Health Service came into being, in 1798, with the establishment of the Marine Hospital Service. Almost one hundred years later, the service enforced port quarantine for the first time. (Port quarantine was the isolation of a ship at port for a limited period to allow time for the manifestation of disease.)

Developments from 1875
      The work of an Italian bacteriologist, Agostino Bassi (Bassi, Agostino), with silkworm infections early in the 19th century prepared the way for the later demonstration that specific organisms cause a number of diseases. Some questions, however, were still unanswered. These included problems related to variations in transmissibility of organisms and in susceptibility of individuals to disease. Light was thrown on these questions by discoveries of human and animal carriers of infectious diseases.

      In the last decades of the 19th century the French chemist Louis Pasteur (Pasteur, Louis), the Germans Ferdinand Julius Cohn (Cohn, Ferdinand) and Robert Koch (Koch, Robert), and others developed methods for isolating and characterizing bacteria (bacteriology); the English surgeon Joseph Lister (Lister, Joseph, Baron Lister, Of Lyme Regis) developed concepts of antiseptic surgery; the English physician Ronald Ross (Ross, Sir Ronald) identified the mosquito as the carrier of malaria; a French epidemiologist, Paul-Louis Simond, provided evidence that plague is primarily a disease of rats spread by rat fleas; and two Americans, Walter Reed (Reed, Walter) and James Carroll, demonstrated that yellow fever is caused by a filterable virus carried by mosquitoes. Thus, modern public health and preventive medicine owe much to the early medical entomologists (entomology) and bacteriologists. A further debt is owed bacteriology because of its offshoot, immunology.

      In 1881 Pasteur established the principle of protective vaccines (vaccine) and thus stimulated an interest in the mechanisms of immunity. The development of microbiology and immunology had immense consequences for community health. In the 19th century the efforts of health departments to control contagious disease consisted in attempts to improve environmental conditions. As bacteriologists identified the microorganisms that cause specific diseases, progress was made toward the rational control of specific infectious diseases.

      In the United States the diagnostic bacteriologic laboratory was developed—a practical application of the theory of bacteriology, which evolved largely in Europe. These laboratories, established in many cities to protect and improve the health of the community, were a practical outgrowth of the study of microorganisms, just as the establishment of health departments was an outgrowth of an earlier movement toward sanitary reform. And just as the health department was the administrative mechanism for dealing with community health problems, the public health laboratory was the tool for the implementation of the public health program. Evidence of the effectiveness of this new phase of public health may be seen in statistics of immunization against diphtheria—in New York City the mortality rate due to diphtheria fell from 785 per 100,000 in 1894 to 1.1 per 100,000 in 1940.

      While improvements in environmental sanitation during the first decade of the 20th century were valuable in dealing with some problems, they were of only limited usefulness in solving the many health problems found among the poor (poverty). In the slums of England and the United States malnutrition, venereal disease, alcoholism, and other diseases were widespread. Nineteenth-century economic liberalism held that increased production of goods would eventually bring an end to scarcity, poverty, and suffering. By the turn of the century, it seemed clear that deliberate and positive intervention by reform-minded groups, including the state, also would be necessary. For this reason many physicians, clergymen, social workers, public-spirited citizens, and government officials promoted social action. Organized efforts were undertaken to prevent tuberculosis, lessen occupational hazards, and improve children's health.

      The first half of the 20th century saw further advances in community health care, particularly in the welfare of mothers and children and the health of schoolchildren, the emergence of the public health nurse, and the development of voluntary health agencies, health education programs, and occupational health programs.

      In the second half of the 19th century two significant attempts were made to provide medical care for large populations. One was by Russia, and took the form of a system of medical services in rural districts; after the Communist (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) Revolution, this was expanded to include complete government-supported medical and public health services for everyone. Similar programs have since been adopted by a number of European and Asian countries. The other attempt was prepayment for medical care, a form of social insurance first adopted toward the close of the 19th century in Germany, where prepayment for medical care had long been familiar. A number of other European countries adopted similar insurance programs.

      In the United Kingdom, a royal-commission examination of the Poor Law in 1909 led to a proposal for a unified state medical service. This service was the forerunner of the 1946 National Health Service Act, which represented an attempt by a modern industrialized country to provide services to all people.

      In recent years prenatal care has made a substantial contribution to preventive medicine, for it is hoped that through the education of mothers the physical and psychological health of families may be influenced and passed on to succeeding generations. Prenatal care provides the opportunity to educate the mother in personal hygiene, diet, exercise, the damaging effects of smoking, the careful use of alcohol, and the dangers of drug abuse.

      Public health interests also have turned to such disorders as cancer, cardiac disease, thrombosis, lung disease, and arthritis, among others. There is increasing evidence that several of these disorders are caused by factors in the environment; for example, the association of cigarette smoking with certain lung and cardiovascular diseases. Theoretically, they are preventable if the environment can be altered. Health education is of great importance and is a responsibility of national and local government agencies as well as voluntary bodies. Life expectancy has increased in almost every country, except where public health standards are low.

Modern organizational and administrative patterns

International organizations
      Since ancient times, the spread of epidemic disease demonstrated the need for international cooperation for health protection. Early efforts toward international control of disease appeared in national quarantines in Europe and the Middle East. The first formal international health conference, held in Paris in 1851, was followed by a series of similar conferences aimed at drafting international quarantine regulations. A permanent international health organization was established in Paris in 1907 to receive notification of serious communicable diseases from participating nations, to transmit this information to the member nations, and to study and develop sanitary conventions and quarantine regulations on shipping and train travel. This organization was ultimately absorbed by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1948.

      In the Americas, the organization of international health probably began with a regional health conference in Rio de Janeiro in 1887. From 1889 onward there were several conferences of American countries, which led ultimately to the establishment of the Pan-American Sanitary Bureau (Pan American Health Organization); this was made a regional office of WHO in 1949, when it became known as the Pan-American Health Organization.

      The rise and decline of health organizations has been influenced by wars and their aftermaths. After World War I, a Health Section of the League of Nations was established and functioned until World War II. After the war, the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA) was set up; it processed displaced persons in such a way as to prevent the spread of disease. It was responsible for the planning steps that led to the establishment in 1948 of the World Health Organization as a special agency of the United Nations. WHO is concerned with physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely with the absence of disease.

      The work of WHO is carried out under the direction of the World Health Assembly, which has representatives from the member states. The first assembly gave consideration to diseases and problems that exist in large areas of the world and that lend themselves to international action. Malaria, tuberculosis, venereal disease, the promotion of health, environmental conditions responsible for a significant proportion of deaths, and nutrition (nutrition, human) were given priority. Other areas of need have been included since.

      Among important functions of the organization are the advisory services offered to governments through its regional staff. Regional offices in a number of countries, both industrialized and developing, as well as local representatives in many developing countries, help WHO maintain contact with needs and sources of financial aid. In specialized fields, a number of expert committees consider specific questions.

      WHO maintains close relationships with other United Nations agencies, particularly the United Nations Children's Fund ( UNICEF) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), and with international labour organizations. From its inception in 1946, UNICEF focused its aid on maternal and child health services and the control of infections, especially in children. Priority has been given to the production of vaccines, the institution of environmental sanitation, the provision of clean water, and the training of local personnel in their own countries (especially in rural areas). Aid is channeled through organized health services in developing countries. Recent efforts have concentrated on persuading governments to undertake national surveys to identify the basic needs of their children and to devise appropriate national policies.

      The work of WHO includes three main categories of activities. First, it is a clearinghouse for information about disease throughout the world, and it has developed a uniform system for reporting diseases and causes of death. It has established internationally accepted standards for drugs and drawn up a list of “essential” (effective, cheap, and reliable) drugs. It has sponsored and financed many research projects throughout the world. Second, WHO has promoted mass campaigns to control epidemic and endemic diseases, a substantial number of which have been quite successful. Third, WHO attempts to strengthen and expand the public health administration and services of member nations by providing technical advice, teams of experts to carry out surveys and demonstrate projects, and aid in support of regional and national health development projects.

Developed nations
      Methods of health administration vary from country to country. Major health functions are frequently grouped in a department that is responsible for health and for related functions. In the United Kingdom they are carried out by the Department of Health and Social Security; in the United States the Department of Health and Human Services controls the programs covered by national legislation.

      Few central departments of health are all-embracing; other departments also operate medical programs of some sort. No country places the health services of its military forces under the central health agency. Because unity of control at the centre is impracticable, coordination is important. Central administration is further complicated in federal systems. In the United States there are 50 states, no two of which have the same patterns of health organization.

Patterns shared
      The official responsible for the administration of national health affairs is in most cases a member of the Cabinet. Advisory councils are frequently used to bring the ideas of leading scientists, health experts, and community leaders to bear on major national health problems.

      An organization that provides basic community health services under the direction of a medical officer is called a local health unit. It is usually governed by a local authority. Its programs may include maternal and child health, communicable-disease control, environmental sanitation, maintenance of records for statistical purposes, health education of the public, public health nursing, medical care, and, often, school health services. The local health unit can provide the administrative framework for a wider range of community health services, including the care of the aged, of the physically handicapped, and of the chronically ill and mental health services. Although social welfare services may be provided by a separate agency, there are advantages in amalgamating health and welfare services, because a family's health and social problems tend to be interrelated. In England welfare and public health are often integrated at the local level, whereas in the United States they are almost always separate.

      The population served by a local health unit may be only a few thousand or several hundred thousand. There are substantially different problems involved in administering health services for a large rural area that is sparsely populated and a municipality with a population of one or two million.

      One problem of administering local health services is the question of whether they should be run by independent local authorities or organized regionally to ensure coordination and effective referral and to avoid duplication of services.

      Medical care is provided as a public service to some degree in most countries. It may be limited to the hospitalization of persons afflicted with certain ailments—for example, mental disease, tuberculosis, chronic illness, and acute infections. Comprehensive health services may be provided for some specific population groups, as in Canada and the United States, where the federal government provides care for Indians and Eskimos. Many countries have compulsory medical insurance (health insurance), and some combine the socialization of hospitals with medical insurance covering general medical care, as in Denmark. Full-scale socialization of health services exists in a few countries, including the United Kingdom and New Zealand.

      In countries such as The Netherlands and the United States, where voluntary and nonprofit organizations support a considerable share of the health services and operate most of the general hospitals, there is pluralism in health administration. This makes coordination difficult, but voluntary effort has the advantages of involving citizens directly in the development of health services and of promoting experimentation in administration.

      There is a trend toward regional planning of comprehensive health services for defined populations. In an idealized plan, the first level of contact between the population and the system, which can be called primary care, is provided by health personnel who work in community health centres and who reach beyond the health centres into the communities and homes with preventive, promotive, and educational services. At the next level of care, specialists in community hospitals provide secondary care for patients referred from the primary-care centres. Finally, tertiary, or superspecialty, care is provided by a major medical centre. The various levels of this regional scheme are linked by a two-way flow of medical records, patients, and health personnel. Regionalization has been most fully achieved in Europe and least so in North America, where voluntary hospitals provide most of the short-term general services and retain autonomy in their administration.

      Among the developed nations, there is substantial variation in the organization and administration of health services. The United Kingdom, for example, has a National Health Service with substantial autonomy given to local government for implementation. The United States has a pluralistic approach to health services, in which local, state, and national governments have varying areas of responsibility, with the private sector playing a prominent role.

      During the first half of the 20th century in Britain, the emphasis shifted gradually from environmental toward personal public health. A succession of statutes, of which the Maternity and Child Welfare Act (1918) was probably the most important, placed responsibility for most of the work on county governments. National health insurance (1911) gave benefits to 16,000,000 workers and marked the beginning of a process upon which the National Health Service Act (1946) was built.

      The National Health Service Act provided comprehensive coverage for most of the health services, including hospitals, general practice, and public health. The service remained at the periphery, however, in three types of care: (1) Primary medical care is given by family physicians or general practitioners. This service is organized locally by an executive council. Each general practitioner is responsible for providing primary care to a group of people on a particular registry. (2) Specialist consultation and outpatient and inpatient treatment are provided in hospitals under the direction of regional authorities. A later concept makes each district general hospital responsible for providing hospital services for a defined population. (3) Services, such as health visiting, home nursing, home helps, domiciliary midwifery, the prevention of illness, and the provision of health centres are the responsibility of local authorities.

      In the former Soviet Union the protection and promotion of public health was the responsibility of the state. There was free public access to all forms of medical care. The principles of the health services were complete integration of curative and preventive services, medicine as a social service, preventive programs, health centres or polyclinics (clinics in which a variety of diseases were handled), and community participation.

      The public health services for the Soviet Union were directed by the Ministry of Health. Each of 15 republics of the union had its own ministry. Each republic was divided into oblasti (provinces), which in turn were divided into rayony (municipalities) and finally into uchastoki (districts). Each subdivision had its own health department accountable to the next highest division.

      There were well-established referral procedures, from the polyclinics and smaller hospitals in the uchastoki to the larger rayon hospitals, and from feldshers (paramedical personnel trained in medical care) and other paramedical personnel to internists and pediatricians and, when necessary, to more highly specialized personnel.

      The health services of the United States can be considered at three levels: local, state, and federal.

      Locally in cities or counties, there is substantial autonomy within broad guidelines developed by the state. The size and scope of local programs vary, but some of their functions are control of communicable diseases; clinics for mothers and children, particularly for certain preventive and diagnostic services; public health nursing services; environmental health services; health education; vital statistics; community health centres, hospitals, and other medical care facilities; community health planning and coordination.

      At the state level, a department of health is charged with overall responsibility for health, though a number of agencies may actually be involved. The state department of health usually has five functions: public health and preventive programs; medical and custodial care such as the operation of hospitals for mental illness; expansion and improvement of hospitals, medical facilities, and health centres; licensure for health purposes of individuals, agencies, and enterprises serving the public; and financial and technical assistance to local governments for conducting health programs.

      At the federal, or national, level, the Public Health Service of the Department of Health and Human Services is the principal health agency, but several other departments have health interests and responsibilities. Federal health agencies accept responsibility for improving state and local services, for controlling interstate health hazards, and for working with other countries on international health matters. The federal government also has the following specific responsibilities: (1) protecting the United States from communicable diseases from abroad; (2) providing for the medical needs of military personnel, veterans, merchant seamen, and American Indians; (3) protecting consumers against impure or misbranded foods, drugs, and cosmetics; and (4) regulating production of biological products, such as vaccines. In addition, the federal government promotes and supports medical research, health services, and educational programs throughout the country.

      Voluntary effort is a significant part of health work in the United States. There are more than 100,000 voluntary agencies in the health field functioning mostly at the local level but also at state and national levels. Supported largely through private sources, these agencies contribute to programs related to education, research, and health services.

      Medical care is provided and paid for through many channels, including public institutions, such as municipal, county, state, and federal health centres, hospitals, and medical care programs, and through private hospitals and private practitioners working either alone or, increasingly, in groups. Generally, medical care is financed by public funds, voluntary health insurance, or personal payment. There is a trend away from the traditional fee-for-service payment to individual practitioners toward prepaid-care systems including health teams working at community, health centre, and hospital levels.

      Thus, in the United States there is great variety in the content, scope, and quality of health services. These services are provided by several independent agencies. In effect, however, they constitute a working partnership for the protection and promotion of human health.

      Recently, two factors have contributed to rapid change in the orientation of health services in the United States. One of these is an increasing awareness that, while the existing system of health services provides high quality care for many, there are others for whom the care is either lacking or unsatisfactory. The second factor is that of steeply rising costs of medical care. These two issues have led to reconsideration of the entire system of personal medical care and proposals for new systems of providing and financing health care.

Developing nations
Patterns shared
      Developing countries have sometimes been influenced in their approaches to health care problems by the developed countries that have had a role in their history. The countries in Africa and Asia that were once colonies of Britain have educational programs and health-care systems that reflect British patterns, though there have been adaptations to local needs. Similar effects may be observed in countries influenced by France, The Netherlands, and Belgium.

      Despite variations from country to country, a common, if somewhat idealized, administrative pattern may be drawn for developing countries. All health services, except for a small amount of private practice, are under a ministry of health, in which there are about five bureaus, or departments—hospital services, health services, education and training, personnel, and research and planning. Hospital and health services are distributed throughout the country. At the periphery of the system are dispensaries, or health outposts, often manned by one or two persons with limited training. The dispensaries are often of limited effectiveness and are upgraded to full health centres when possible. Health centres and their activities are the foundation of the system. Health centres are usually staffed by auxiliaries who have four to 10 years of basic education plus one to four years of technical training. The staff may include a midwife, an auxiliary nurse, a sanitarian, and a medical assistant. The assistants, trained in the diagnosis and treatment of sickness, refer to a physician the problems that are beyond their own competence. Together, these auxiliaries provide comprehensive care for a population of 10,000 to 25,000. Several health centres together with a district hospital serve a district of about 100,000 to 200,000 people. All health services are under the responsibility of the district medical officer, who, assisted by other professional and auxiliary personnel, integrates the health efforts into a comprehensive program.

      Of central importance is the distribution of responsibilities between auxiliaries and professionals. The auxiliaries, by handling the large number of relatively simple problems, allow the professionals to look after only the more complex problems, to supervise and teach the auxiliaries, and to plan and manage the programs.

      The district hospital is dependent on a regional hospital, to which patients with complex problems can be referred for more specialized services. Administrative direction of both regional health services and regional hospital services can be combined at this level under a regional medical officer. The central administration of the ministry of health provides policies and guidance for an entire health service and, in some instances, also provides a central planning unit.

      Problems of transportation and communication over great distances, shortages of staff and other resources, and inadequacies in staff preparation and motivation often lead to malfunctions in the system. Nonetheless, the public health services developed in African and Asian countries have generally provided a sound basis for future development within the framework of national development.

      The organization of public health services in Latin-American (Latin America, history of) countries differs substantially from those of Africa and Asia; these differences are an expression of their different historical backgrounds. The Latin-American countries are generally more affluent than those of Asia and Africa. Private practice is more widespread, and private or voluntary agencies are more prominent. Health services are provided largely by local and national governments. Many Latin-American countries also have systems of clinics and hospitals for workers financed by employers and workers. The distribution of health services, with health centres, hospitals, and preventive services, is roughly similar to Africa and Asia. The Latin-American countries, however, have used auxiliaries less than African and Asian countries. Latin America has pioneered in the development of health-planning methods. Chile has one of the most advanced approaches to health planning in the world.

       Thailand was never colonized and therefore has no historical influence favouring any particular pattern of health services. The Thai Ministry of Health has a well-developed system of hospitals and health centres across the country to serve both rural and urban people. It differs from the pattern described in the previous section in that, despite the extreme shortages of physicians and nurses in rural areas, the nation has been reluctant to use auxiliaries for medical care. It does, however, use auxiliary midwives and sanitarians. Hospital services and public health services have separate administration. Within the public health services, there are a number of separate divisions—e.g., for tuberculosis, sexually transmitted diseases, and nutrition—each with its own staff, budget, and facilities. The trend elsewhere has been away from relatively independent, disease-oriented approaches and toward integrated systems in which the same network of health services handles most problems.

Health problems and obstacles
      The difficulties of providing health services for the people of the developing nations involve a cluster of interrelated problems. These arise from the nature of the diseases and hazards to health, insufficient and maldistributed resources, the design of health service systems, and the education of health personnel in those systems. Woven through the health programs of the developing nations and complicating them at both family and national levels are the pressures associated with rapidly growing populations.

      There are differences not only in the kinds of diseases of different countries but also in the rates at which they occur and in the age groups involved. Life expectancy in some countries is less than half that in others, principally because of high death rates among small children in the developing countries. In much of Southeast Asia, for example, 40 percent of children (childhood disease and disorder) die by their fourth year, a death rate not reached until age 60 in North America. The infant (under one year of age) mortality rate in Central and South America is two to four times that in North America, and the death rate in children one to four years of age is as much as 25 times greater. The differences for Central Africa are even more striking: infant mortality in some areas has been 12 times that in the United States, and the mortality in preschool children has been more than 60 times the U.S. figure.

      The principal causes of sickness and death among small children in the developing world are diarrhea, respiratory (respiratory disease) infections, and malnutrition, all of which are intimately related to culture, custom, and economic status. Malnutrition may result from food customs when taboos and simple oversight lead to deprivation of children. gastroenteritis (inflammation of the lining of the stomach and intestines, usually with accompanying diarrhea) and respiratory infections are often due to infectious organisms that are not susceptible to antibiotics. The interrelationships of these diseases increase the complexity of treating them. malnutrition is often the underlying culprit; not only does it cause damage itself, such as retardation of physical and mental development, but it also seems to set the stage for other illnesses. A malnourished child develops gastroenteritis, inability to eat, further weakness, and then dehydration. The weakened child is susceptible to a lethal infection, such as pneumonia. Or, to complete the vicious circle, infection can affect protein metabolism in ways that contribute to malnutrition.

      Another factor that contributes to this is family size. Malnutrition, with associated death and disability, occurs most often in children born into large and poorly spaced families. The resulting high death rate among small children often reinforces the tendency of parents to have more children. People are not inclined to limit the size of their families until it is apparent that their children have a reasonable chance of survival. Thus, there is a fertility–mortality cycle in which high fertility, reflected in large numbers of small children crowded into a poor home, leads to high childhood mortality, which, in turn, encourages high fertility. This is the basis of the belief that population-control (birth control) programs should include effective means of reducing unnecessary deaths among children.

      Among limitations of resources, shortages of trained personnel are among the most important; ratios of population to physicians, nurses, and beds provide an indication of the seriousness of these deficiencies and also of the great differences from country to country. Thus, the proportion of population to physicians in developing countries varies drastically.

      Money is a crucial factor in health care—it determines how many health personnel can be trained, how many can be maintained in the field, and the resources that they will have to work with when they are there. Governmental expenditures on health care vary greatly from country to country.

      As it attempts to provide health care for its people, a nation, on the one hand, must meet the urgent and complex problems, such as obstetric and surgical emergencies for which hospital care is essential. On the other hand, it must reach into the communities and homes to find those who need care but do not seek it and must discover the causes of such diseases as malnutrition and gastroenteritis.

Education of health personnel
      In the education of health personnel, a particular set of problems emerges. Educational programs for auxiliaries are suited to the local situation, perhaps because they were not established in the more developed nations. Medical and nursing education, on the other hand, is similar to that of the more advanced countries, and it prepares students better for working in industrialized nations than in their own. This misfit between education and the jobs to be done has probably contributed substantially both to the ineffectiveness of health service systems and to the migration of professional personnel to the more developed countries.

Progress in public health

Developed nations
      Among the more developed nations the following trends are apparent.

Increasing interest of national governments
      Formerly, governments were chiefly concerned with basic health problems, such as environmental sanitation, medical care of the poor, quarantine, and the control of communicable diseases. Gradually, they have extended their activities into the field of medical care services in the home, clinic, and hospital, so as to provide comprehensive health care for entire communities. Three factors have influenced this trend: (1) the nongovernmental voluntary agencies have been unable to meet the rising cost of medical care; (2) there is an increasing appreciation of the economic loss to a country from sickness; and (3) there is an increasing public interest in social services. Health and social welfare (social welfare program) are now recognized as complementary, and social legislation tends to cover both areas. There is an administrative trend toward a close cooperation between health and social welfare services.

Changing concepts of preventable disease
      Until recently, the term preventable disease referred to a circumscribed group of infectious diseases. The term has acquired a broader meaning, however, as epidemiological methods are applied to other conditions. Preventive health services now deal with a wide range of health hazards, such as malignant tumours, rheumatism, cardiovascular diseases, other chronic and degenerative diseases, and even accidents.

Integration of preventive and medical care services
      Medical care had its origin in the humanitarian motive of caring for the sick, while preventive health services sprang from the need to protect a healthy environment from epidemic diseases. They grew apart, but recently the trend has been to integrate them within a comprehensive health service. Such an integration was the fundamental principle of public health in the U.S.S.R. (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics), in which all local health services were centred in the district hospital under one administration. In European countries, especially in rural areas, the two branches are brought together by the local medical practitioner. The focal point of many discussions on medical care is the role that the hospital should play in health services. Many feel that its influence at present is too restricted and that it should spread beyond its walls to health centres and homes.

Provisions directed toward better mental (mental hygiene) health
      Mental health now has a place in the preventive services. Improvements in arrangements for mental health include the provision of outpatient clinics and inpatient accommodations at general hospitals for early mental cases, an increase in child-guidance and marriage-guidance clinics, and schemes for the care of alcoholics and drug addicts. There have also been significant developments in the treatment of maladjusted members of society. Gains in understanding of psychoneuroses by general practitioners and the development of research facilities are also noteworthy.

Growing emphasis on health education
      Many countries have expanded their commitment to health education, usually in cooperation with voluntary agencies. The most effective work is carried out at the local level, especially in schools. The trend is toward an expansion of health education as an essential preventive health service.

The biostatistical, epidemiological approach
      A statistical service is essential in planning, administering, and evaluating health services. The interest of public authorities in medical-care schemes has increased the importance of statistics on the incidence of diseases and other problems, as well as the epidemiology necessary to combat them. Both are vital in the planning, organization, and evaluation of medical-care schemes. Traditionally, the epidemiological method was used for infectious diseases, but it is now being used increasingly for noninfectious diseases and the problems of medical care.

Changes resulting from an aging population
      In more affluent nations, an increase in older age (old age) groups brings about the need for public health facilities to provide special services for them. Health care of the elderly includes measures to prevent premature aging and the chronic and degenerative diseases and to confront the psychological problems resulting from loneliness and inactivity. Geriatric clinics have been set up to meet these needs and to conduct research into the process of senescence.

Concern regarding the quality of the environment
      There is widespread concern about environmental deterioration. Controlled atomic radiation has created new hazards to health, such as the potential pollution of air or water by radioactive discharges, the possible effects from radioactive fallout on the public generally, and the dangers to workers in atomic installations in industry. A growing population requires an increase in industrial and commercial activities, which add to the volume of pollutants (pollution) that threaten the atmosphere, rivers, lakes, and oceans and have destructive effects on natural ecology. Individual countries have taken steps toward the control of environmental deterioration, and means of international regulation have also been proposed.

Developing nations
      In view of the large numbers of serious health problems in the developing nations and their limited resources for dealing with them, it is understandable that along with substantial progress there would be some stagnation, or even regression.

Communicable-disease control
       smallpox and malaria are examples of diseases that have been brought under closer control throughout the world. For other diseases, such as hepatitis (liver inflammation), rabies, leprosy, and sleeping sickness, there have been important growths in understanding that may contribute to their eventual control.

Disease (infectious disease) problems that await solution
      El Tor cholera, which has appeared in epidemic form in previously uninvolved areas, represents one of the most serious challenges to public health. Venereal disease, an old problem, has increased in incidence. Certain parasitic diseases have spread as humans have brought about changes in their environment—the increase in schistosomiasis (infestation with blood fluke by means of snails as the intermediate hosts) in irrigation and man-made lake areas is an example. Widespread malnutrition, particularly protein–calorie malnutrition (nutrition, human) in small children, remains a problem. Protein-rich food supplements and more effective educational programs are being developed to combat it.

Family health
      The problems of rapidly growing populations have important consequences at both the family and the national level. Problems of maternal and child health, human reproduction, and human genetics, including family planning, are now seen as aspects of the greater problem of the health of the whole family as a single and fundamental social unit. Accordingly, family health is a matter deserving high priority among the public health services.

Health manpower
      There is widespread recognition of inadequacies in both number and education of health personnel. The trend is toward coordinating the education of health personnel with the particular health service in which they will function. This trend requires close relationships between educational institutions and the agencies responsible for health services.

Comprehensive community health services
      The fragmentation of earlier health service organizations, such as programs concerned with only a single disease and the separation of curative and preventive (preventive medicine) services, is giving way to more comprehensive organizational patterns. Health promotion, disease prevention, and the curing and rehabilitation of the ill are brought together into one network of integrated services that reaches to the community level.

National health planning
      Complex decision making is involved in allocating limited health service resources to large numbers of people. As a result, there has been an increasing emphasis on the health-planning process and on the design of more effective health-service systems. A number of countries have established health-planning units in the ministry of health or the national planning organization. An important aspect of national health planning is the close coordination between planning, budgeting, implementing, and evaluating programs.

John H. Bryant Philip Rhodes

Additional Reading
Fraser Brockington, World Health, 3rd ed. (1975), is a comprehensive discussion of public health concepts and the World Health Organization. John Bryant, Health & the Developing World (1969, reprinted 1972), studies health-care in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. John M. Last (ed.), Public Health and Preventive Medicine, 11th ed. (1980), is a definitive text. Later surveys of the organized effort to protect and improve community health include Derek Fraser, The Evolution of the British Welfare State: A History of Social Policy Since the Industrial Revolution, 2nd ed. (1984); Robert Lanza (ed.), Medical Science and the Advancement of World Health (1985); and Grace Budrys, Planning for the Nation's Health: A Study of Twentieth-Century Developments in the United States (1987).

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