psychomotor agitation
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Psychomotor agitation — is a series of unintentional and purposeless motions that stem from mental tension of an individual. This includes pacing around a room, wringing one s hands, pulling off clothing and putting it back on and other similar actions. In more severe… … Wikipedia
psychomotor agitation — agitation (def. 3) … Useful english dictionary
Agitation — may refer to: * emotional state of excitement or restlessness ** psychomotor agitation, an extreme form of the above, which can be a side effect of antipsychotic medication * agitation (action), putting into motion by shaking or stirring *… … Wikipedia
agitation — agitational, adj. /aj i tay sheuhn/, n. 1. the act or process of agitating; state of being agitated: She left in great agitation. 2. persistent urging of a political or social cause or theory before the public. 3. Also called psychomotor… … Universalium
agitation — ag·i·ta·tion .aj ə tā shən n a state of excessive psychomotor activity accompanied by increased tension and irritability ag·i·tat·ed aj ə .tāt əd adj * * * ag·i·ta·tion (aj″ĭ taґshən) excessive, purposeless cognitive and motor… … Medical dictionary
АЖИТАЦИЯ — [от фр. agitation сильное волнение, возбужденное состояние] аффективная реакция человека, проявляющаяся в ответ на угрозу для жизни, аварийную ситуацию и другие психогенные факторы. А. проявляется в виде сильного беспокойства, тревоги, потери… … Психомоторика: cловарь-справочник
Zopiclone — Systematic (IUPAC) name (RS) 6 (5 chloropyridin 2 yl) 7 oxo 6,7 dihydro 5H pyrrolo[3,4 b]pyrazin 5 yl 4 methylpiperazine 1 carboxylate Clinical data Trade n … Wikipedia
Current diagnostic criteria for bipolar disorder — This article is an expansion of a section entitled Diagnosis from within the main article: Bipolar disorder The current diagnostic criteria for bipolar disorder is that Bipolar disorder describe a heterogeneous illness one that comes in many… … Wikipedia
Haloperidol — Systematic (IUPAC) name 4 [4 (4 chlorophe … Wikipedia
syndrome — The aggregate of symptoms and signs associated with any morbid process, and constituting together the picture of the disease. SEE ALSO: disease. [G. s., a running together, tumultuous concourse; (in med.) a concurrence of symptoms, fr. syn,… … Medical dictionary