pseudoparalysis — Apparent paralysis due to voluntary inhibition of motion because of pain, incoordination, or other cause, but without actual paralysis. SYN: pseudoparesis (1). arthritic general p. a … Medical dictionary
pseudoparalysis — n. false paralysis, simulated paralysis … English contemporary dictionary
pseudoparalysis — pseu·do·paralysis … English syllables
pseudoparalysis — |sü(ˌ)dō+ noun Etymology: New Latin, from pseud + paralysis : apparent lack or loss of muscular power (as that produced by pain) unattended by paralysis * * * pseudoparalytic /sooh deuh par euh lit ik/, adj. /sooh doh peuh ral euh sis/, n. Pathol … Useful english dictionary
Pseudoparalysis, spastic — Better known as Creutzfeldt Jakob disease (CJD). A dementing disease of the brain. CJD is believed to be due to a highly unconventional transmissible agent named a prion. It is not a bacteria, not a virus, in fact not like any other known type of … Medical dictionary
Parrot atrophy of newborn pseudoparalysis etc. — Par·rot atrophy of newborn, pseudoparalysis, etc. (pah roґ) [Joseph Marie Jules Parrot, French physician, 1829–1883] see under pseudoparalysis and sign, see marasmus, and see ciliospinal reflex, under reflex … Medical dictionary
Parrot pseudoparalysis — syphilitic pseudoparalysis apparent paralysis of one or more of the extremities of an infant owing to osteochondritis of an epiphysis in congenital syphilis … Medical dictionary
Spastic pseudoparalysis — Better known as Creutzfeldt Jakob disease (CJD). A dementing disease of the brain. CJD is believed to be due to a highly unconventional transmissible agent named a prion. It is not a bacteria, not a virus, in fact not like any other known type of … Medical dictionary
псевдопаралич — (pseudoparalysis; псевдо + паралич) см. Синдром псевдопаралитический … Большой медицинский словарь
псевдопаралич сифилитический — (pseudoparalysis syphilitica) см. Парро болезнь … Большой медицинский словарь