- prospect
/pros"pekt/, n.1. Usually, prospects.a. an apparent probability of advancement, success, profit, etc.b. the outlook for the future: good business prospects.2. anticipation; expectation; a looking forward.3. something in view as a source of profit.4. a potential or likely customer, client, etc.5. a potential or likely candidate.6. a view, esp. of scenery; scene.7. outlook or view over a region or in a particular direction.8. a mental view or survey, as of a subject or situation.9. Mining.a. an apparent indication of ore or native metal.b. a place giving such indications.c. a mine working or excavation undertaken in a search for additional ore.10. Archaic. sight; range of vision.v.t.12. to search or explore (a region), as for gold.13. to work (a mine or claim) experimentally in order to test its value.v.i.14. to search or explore a region for gold or the like.[1400-50; late ME prospecte < L prospectus outlook, view. See PROSPECTUS]
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Universalium. 2010.