
promptly, adv.promptness, n.
/prompt/, adj., prompter, promptest, v., n.
1. done, performed, delivered, etc., at once or without delay: a prompt reply.
2. ready in action; quick to act as occasion demands.
3. quick or alert: prompt to take offense.
4. punctual.
5. to move or induce to action: What prompted you to say that?
6. to occasion or incite; inspire: What prompted his resignation?
7. to assist (a person speaking) by suggesting something to be said.
8. Theat. to supply (an actor, singer, etc.) from offstage with a missed cue or forgotten line.
9. Theat. to supply forgotten lines, lyrics, or the like to an actor, singer, etc.
10. Com.
a. a limit of time given for payment for merchandise purchased, the limit being stated on a note of reminder (prompt note).
b. the contract setting the time limit.
11. the act of prompting.
12. something serving to suggest or remind.
13. Computers. a message or symbol from a computer system to a user, generally appearing on a display screen, requesting more information or indicating that the system is ready for user instructions.
14. take a prompt, (in acting) to move or speak in response to a cue.
[1300-50; (v.) ME < ML promptare to incite, L: to distribute, freq. of promere to bring out, equiv. to pro- PRO-1 + (e)mere to take, buy; (adj.) late ME < L promptus ready, prompt, special use of ptp. of promere]
Syn. 5. urge, spur, instigate, impel.

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