
See Frey.

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or Frey

Norse god of peace, fertility, rain, and sun, one of a group of fertility deities called Vanir.

The son of Njörd and brother of Freyja, he was especially venerated in pre-Christian Sweden, where he was considered the progenitor of the royal line. The best-known story about him told of his love and lust for the giantess Gerd, who was wooed and won for him by his servant. His worship was believed to bring good weather and great wealth.

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▪ Norse mythology
also spelled  Frey , also called  Yngvi,  

      in Norse mythology, the ruler of peace and fertility, rain, and sunshine and the son of the sea god Njörd (Njǫrd). Although originally one of the Vanir tribe, he was included with the Aesir. Gerd, daughter of the giant Gymir, was his wife. Worshiped especially in Sweden, he was also well-known in Norway and Iceland. His sister and female counterpart, Freyja, was goddess of love, fertility, battle, and death. The boar was sacred to both. Freyr and Freyja figure in many lays and stories of medieval Iceland.

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Universalium. 2010.

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