principle of superposition

principle of superposition
any of several physical laws that the resultant of similar vector quantities at a point is a function of the sum of the individual quantities, esp. the law that the displacement at a point in a medium undergoing simple harmonic motion is equal to the sum of the displacements of each individual wave. Also called superposition principle.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • principle of superposition — noun 1. (geology) the principle that in a series of stratified sedimentary rocks the lowest stratum is the oldest • Syn: ↑superposition principle, ↑superposition • Topics: ↑geology • Hypernyms: ↑principle, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

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  • superposition principle — noun (geology) the principle that in a series of stratified sedimentary rocks the lowest stratum is the oldest • Syn: ↑principle of superposition, ↑superposition • Topics: ↑geology • Hypernyms: ↑principle, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • superposition — noun 1. (geology) the deposition of one geological stratum on another • Topics: ↑geology • Hypernyms: ↑deposition, ↑deposit 2. (geology) the principle that in a series of stratified sedimentary rocks the lowest stratum is the oldest …   Useful english dictionary

  • superposition principle — Physics. See principle of superposition. [1820 30] * * * …   Universalium

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  • Superposition — The term superposition can have several meanings:* the superposition principle in physics, mathematics, and engineering, describes the overlapping of waves and can show how either constructive, or destructive Interference will occur. Particular… …   Wikipedia

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