- preliberation
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
preliberation — |prē+ adjective Etymology: pre + liberation : existing before a liberation preliberation patriots * * * n … Useful english dictionary
preliberation — adjective Prior to liberation … Wiktionary
preliberation — pre·liberation … English syllables
Culture of North Korea — At Pyongyang Embroidery Institute … Wikipedia
Serfdom in Tibet controversy — (This article is about a political debate. Social classes of Tibet is focused on socio economic conditions in Tibet.) The serfdom in Tibet controversy rests on both a political and an academic debate. In the political debate, Chinese sources… … Wikipedia
Chinese literature — Introduction the body of works written in Chinese, including lyric poetry, historical and didactic writing, drama, and various forms of fiction. Chinese literature is one of the major literary heritages of the world, with an… … Universalium