politically correct

politically correct
marked by or adhering to a typically progressive orthodoxy on issues involving esp. race, gender, sexual affinity, or ecology. Abbr.: PC, P.C.

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  • Politically Correct — may refer to:*Political correctness, language, ideas, policies, or behaviour seeking to minimize offence to groups of peopleee also* Politically Correct Bedtime Stories , book by James Finn Garner, published in 1994 * PCU (film), a 1994 comedy… …   Wikipedia

  • politically correct — Things or people that are politically correct use language that will not cause offence …   The small dictionary of idiomes

  • politically correct — first attested in prevailing current sense 1970; abbreviation P.C. is from 1986. [T]here is no doubt that political correctness refers to the political movement and phenomenon, which began in the USA, with the aim to enforce a set of ideologies… …   Etymology dictionary

  • politically correct — [adj] sensitive to other political views bias free, considerate, diplomatic, gender free, inclusive, inoffensive, liberal, multicultural, nondiscriminatory, nonracist, nonsexist, PC*, respectful, sensitive; concepts 529,542 …   New thesaurus

  • politically correct — (or incorrect) ► ADJECTIVE ▪ exhibiting (or failing to exhibit) political correctness …   English terms dictionary

  • politically correct — adj. conforming or adhering to what is regarded as orthodox liberal opinion on matters of sexuality, race, etc.: usually used disparagingly to connote dogmatism, excessive sensitivity to minority causes, etc. political correctness n …   English World dictionary

  • politically correct — adjective exhibiting political correctness • Pertains to noun: ↑political correctness * * * adj [more politically correct; most politically correct] sometimes disapproving : agreeing with the idea that people should be careful to not use language …   Useful english dictionary

  • politically correct — ADJ GRADED If you say that someone is politically correct, you mean that they are extremely careful not to offend or upset any group of people in society who have a disadvantage, or who have been treated differently because of their sex, race, or …   English dictionary

  • politically correct — po,litically cor rect adjective politically correct language or behavior is not offensive, especially to people who have often been affected by DISCRIMINATION (=unfair treatment): It is no longer politically correct to refer to someone as a… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • politically correct — UK / US adjective a) politically correct language or behaviour is not offensive, especially to people who have often been affected by discrimination (= unfair treatment) It is no longer politically correct to refer to the educationally subnormal …   English dictionary

  • politically correct — po.litically cor rect adj PC language, behaviour, and attitudes that are politically correct are carefully chosen so that they do not offend or insult anyone ≠ ↑politically incorrect ▪ politically correct textbooks …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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