Plasmalogen — A plasmalogen is an ether lipid where the first position of glycerol binds a vinyl residue (from a vinyl alcohol) with the double bond next to the ether bond. The second carbon has a typical ester linked fatty acid, and the third carbon usually… … Wikipedia
Plasmalogen — In diesem Artikel oder Abschnitt fehlen folgende wichtige Informationen: Teile aus en:Plasmalogen übernehmen Du kannst Wikipedia helfen, indem du sie recherchierst und einfügst … Deutsch Wikipedia
Plasmalogen synthase — In enzymology, a plasmalogen synthase (EC number| is an enzyme that catalyzes the chemical reaction:acyl CoA + 1 O alk 1 enyl glycero 3 phosphocholine ightleftharpoons CoA + plasmenylcholineThus, the two substrates of this enzyme are… … Wikipedia
plasmalogen — noun Any of a class of phospholipids, found in cell membranes, in which one of the fatty acids is replaced by an aldehyde (connected to the glycerol with an unsaturated ether linkage) … Wiktionary
Plasmalogen — Plas|ma|lo|gen [↑ Plasma (2), ↑ al u. ↑ gen], das; s, e: Gruppenbez. für ↑ Phospholipide, die an C 1 des Glycerins statt eines Acylrests eine Enolethergruppe (R1 CH=CH O ) tragen, bei deren Abspaltung ein Aldehyd entsteht … Universal-Lexikon
plasmalogen — plas·mal·o·gen plaz mal ə jən, .jen n any of a group of phospholipids in which a fatty acid group is replaced by a fatty aldehyde and which include lecithins, phosphatidylethanolamines, and phosphatidylserines * * * n. a phospholipid, found in… … Medical dictionary
plasmalogen — n. phosphatides found in various organs of the body (Biochemistry) … English contemporary dictionary
plasmalogen — plas·mal·o·gen … English syllables
plasmalogen — n. a phospholipid, found in brain and muscle, similar in structure to lecithin and cephalin … The new mediacal dictionary
plasmalogen — /plæzˈmælədʒən/ (say plaz maluhjuhn) noun any of a group of phospholipids found in the brain and heart; a component of cell membranes. {plasm(a) + al(kali) + o + gen} …