
/pee an"ist, pyan"-, pee"euh nist/, n.
a person who plays the piano, esp. one who performs expertly or professionally.
[1830-40; < F pianiste < It pianista. See PIANO1, -IST]

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  • pianist — PIANÍST, Ă, pianişti, ste, s.m. şi f. Persoană care cântă (cu pricepere şi cu măiestrie) la pian, care are profesiunea de a cânta la pian. – Din fr. pianiste. Trimis de ana zecheru, 16.03.2004. Sursa: DEX 98  PIANÍST s. (muz.) (înv.) clavirist.… …   Dicționar Român

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  • pianist — (n.) 1839, from Fr. pianiste, from It. pianista; see PIANO (Cf. piano) + IST (Cf. ist) …   Etymology dictionary

  • pianist — is normally pronounced pee ǝ nist with the stress on the first syllable in BrE and pi ah nist with the stress on the second syllable in AmE …   Modern English usage

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