
/per'euh stroy"keuh/; Russ. /pyi rddyi strddoy"keuh/, n.
Russian. the program of economic and political reform in the Soviet Union initiated by Mikhail Gorbachev in 1986.
[ < Russ perestróika lit., rebuilding, reorganization]

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(Russian; "restructuring")

Program instituted in the Soviet Union by Mikhail Gorbachev in the mid-1980s to restructure Soviet political and economic policy.

Gorbachev proposed reducing the direct involvement of the Communist Party leadership in the country's governance and increasing the local governments' authority. Seeking to bring the Soviet Union up to economic par with capitalist countries such as Germany, Japan, and the U.S., he decentralized economic controls and encouraged enterprises to become self-financing. The economic bureaucracy, fearing loss of its power and privileges, obstructed much of his program.

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▪ Soviet government policy

      program instituted in the Soviet Union (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) by Mikhail Gorbachev (Gorbachev, Mikhail) in the mid-1980s to restructure Soviet economic and political policy. Seeking to bring the Soviet Union up to economic par with capitalist countries such as Germany, Japan, and the United States, Gorbachev decentralized economic controls and encouraged enterprises to become self-financing. The economic bureaucracy, fearing the loss of its power and privileges, obstructed much of his program, however. Gorbachev also proposed reducing the direct involvement of the Communist Party (Communist Party of the Soviet Union) leadership in the country's governance and increasing the local governments' authority. In 1988 a new parliament, the Soviet Congress of People's Deputies, was created. Similar congresses were established in each Soviet republic as well. For the first time, elections to these bodies presented voters with a choice of candidates, including noncommunists, though the Communist Party continued to dominate the system. (See also glasnost.)

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