
/pair"os/; Gk. /pah"rddaws/, n.
a Greek island of the Cyclades, in the S Aegean: noted for its white marble. 6776; 77 sq. mi. (200 sq. km).

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      island, one of the Cyclades in the Aegean Sea, Greece, separated from Náxos on the east by a channel 4 mi (6 km) wide. With an area of 75 sq mi (194.5 sq km), it is formed by a single peak, Profítis Ilías (classical Marpessa), 2,530 ft (771 m) in height, which slopes evenly on all sides to a maritime plain that is broadest on the northeast and southwest sides. The island is mainly composed of marble. On a bay on the northwest lies the capital, Páros (or Paroikía,), occupying the site of the ancient and medieval capital. The small harbour is excelled by that of Náousa on the north side. White, semitransparent Parian marble (Paria Marmara), used for sculpture and quarried from subterranean pits on the north side of Mt. Marpessa, was the chief source of wealth for ancient Páros. Several of the marble tunnels have survived.

      Páros shared the early Bronze Age culture of the Cyclades. Traditionally it was first colonized by Arcadians and then by Ionians. In the 7th century BC Parian colonies were sent to Thasos and to Parium on the Sea of Marmara and in 385 to the island of Pharos (Hvar, Croatia) in the Adriatic. In 490 Páros joined the Persians and sent a ship to Marathon; in retaliation, its capital was attacked by an Athenian fleet under Miltiades. Páros also sided with Persia's king, Xerxes I, but after the Battle of Artemisium (480) its contingent remained in Kíthnos. After 480 a member of the Delian League, it joined the Second Athenian League in 378. On its political decline it passed to the Ptolemies of Egypt and thence to Roman rule. Following the brief Latin conquest of Constantinople (AD 1204), Páros was subject to Venice, becoming in 1389 an independent duchy. In 1537 it was taken by the Turks and was annexed to Greece in 1830 after the War of Greek Independence.

      It is an important archaeological site. The Parian Chronicle, found in about 1627, is a marble inscription giving an account of artistic milestones in early and classical Greece. North of the capital is a sanctuary of Delian Apollo and Artemis. The present economy depends largely on agriculture (cereals, grapes, figs, olives, and tobacco) and on tourism. Separated from Páros on the southwest by a channel 1.4 miles (2.2 km) wide is the once-attached island of Andíparos (Antiparos), the ancient Oliarus, whose limestone cavern is a tourist attraction. Pop. (1981) capital, 2,716; island, 7,881; (1991) island, 9,553.

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Universalium. 2010.

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