- orbital index
Craniom.the ratio of the maximum breadth to the maximum height of the orbital cavity multiplied by 100.[1875-80]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Orbital index — Orbital Or bit*al, a. Of or pertaining to an orbit. Orbital revolution. J. D. Forbes. [1913 Webster] {Orbital index} (Anat.), in the skull, the ratio of the vertical height to the transverse width of the orbit, which is taken as the standard,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
orbital index — n the ratio of the greatest height of the orbital cavity to its greatest width multiplied by 100 where the width is measured from the dacryon to the farthest point on the opposite border and the height is measured along a line perpendicular to… … Medical dictionary
orbital index — n. the ratio of the greatest height of the orbital cavity to its greatest breadth, times 100 … English World dictionary
orbital index — noun : the ratio of the greatest height of the orbital cavity to its greatest width multiplied by 100 where the width is measured from the dacryon to the farthest point on the opposite border and the height is measured along a line perpendicular… … Useful english dictionary
orbital index — /ɔbətl ˈɪndɛks/ (say awbuhtl indeks) noun the ratio of the maximum breadth to the maximum height of the orbital cavity …
Orbital — Or bit*al, a. Of or pertaining to an orbit. Orbital revolution. J. D. Forbes. [1913 Webster] {Orbital index} (Anat.), in the skull, the ratio of the vertical height to the transverse width of the orbit, which is taken as the standard, equal to… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Orbital (band) — Orbital Orbital in concert at the Brixton Academy in 2009 Background information Origin Sevenoaks, England, UK … Wikipedia
Orbital Express — Orbital Express: ASTRO and NEXTSat Orbital Express was a space mission managed by the United States Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and a team led by engineers at NASA s Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC). The Orbital Express… … Wikipedia
Orbital forcing — is the effect on climate of slow changes in the tilt of the Earth s axis and shape of the orbit (see Milankovitch cycles). These orbital changes change the total amount of sunlight reaching the Earth by up to 25% at mid latitudes (from 400 to 500 … Wikipedia
Orbital (comics) — Orbital The first book in the series, Scars featuring the two main characters Caleb and Mezoke Publication information Publisher … Wikipedia