
Faulk·ner also Falk·ner (fôkʹnər), William. 1897-1962.
American writer who set many of his works, such as the novels The Sound and the Fury (1929) and The Unvanquished (1938), in the imaginary Yoknapatawpha County, a microcosm of the postbellum South, in which he explored the decay of traditional Southern culture. He won the 1949 Nobel Prize for literature.
  Faulk·nerʹi·an (fôk-nîrʹē-ən) adj.

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  • Faulkner, William (Cuthbert) — orig. William Cuthbert Falkner (25 sep. 1897, New Albany, Miss., EE.UU.–6 jul. 1962, Byhalia, Miss.). Escritor estadounidense. Desertó de la secundaria y sólo cursó la enseñanza superior durante un breve período. Pasó la mayor parte de su vida en …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Faulkner, William (Cuthbert) — orig. William Cuthbert Falkner born Sept. 25, 1897, New Albany, Miss., U.S. died July 6, 1962, Byhalia, Miss. U.S. writer. Faulkner dropped out of high school and only briefly attended college. He spent most of his life in Oxford, Miss. He is… …   Universalium

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  • William Falkner — William Faulkner im Dezember 1954 Fotografie von Carl van Vechten, aus der Van Vechten Collection der Library of Congress William Cuthbert Faulkner (* 25. September 1897 in New Albany, Mississippi, USA; † …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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