object complement — noun a complement which is coupled to an object In the sentence Venezuela declared herself independent of Spain first , herself is the object and independent of Spain is the complement … Wiktionary
object complement — ob′ject com′plement n. gram. a noun, noun phrase, pronoun, or adjective used in the predicate following a factitive verb and referring to or identified with its direct object, as treasurer in We appointed him treasurer or white in They painted… … From formal English to slang
object complement — Gram. a word or a group of words used in the predicate following a factitive verb and referring to its direct object, as treasurer in We appointed him treasurer, white in They painted the house white, or an interesting speaker in They thought him … Useful english dictionary
retained object complement — Gram. an object complement that is kept in its predicative position following the verb when the verb is transformed into the passive voice, as genius in He was considered a genius from (They) considered him a genius. * * * … Universalium
retained object complement — Gram. an object complement that is kept in its predicative position following the verb when the verb is transformed into the passive voice, as genius in He was considered a genius from (They) considered him a genius … Useful english dictionary
Complement (linguistics) — In grammar the term complement is used with different meanings. The primary meaning is a word, phrase or clause which is necessary in a sentence to complete its meaning. We find complements which function as an argument (i.e. of equal status to… … Wikipedia
complement — complementer, n. n. /kom pleuh meuhnt/; v. /kom pleuh ment /, n. 1. something that completes or makes perfect: A good wine is a complement to a good meal. 2. the quantity or amount that completes anything: We now have a full complement of packers … Universalium
complement — com•ple•ment n. [[t]ˈkɒm plə mənt[/t]] v. [[t] ˌmɛnt[/t]] n. 1) something that completes or makes perfect: A good wine is a complement to a good meal[/ex] 2) the quantity or amount that completes anything: We now have a full complement of bridge… … From formal English to slang
complement — complement, compliment, complementary, complimentary 1. Complement and compliment each function as noun and verb; in pronunciation they are largely indistinguishable except that in the verbal function compliment has a fuller i sound in its second … Modern English usage
complement — noun /ˈkɒmpləmənt / (say kompluhmuhnt) 1. that which completes or makes perfect. 2. the quantity or amount that completes anything. 3. either of two parts or things needed to complete the whole. 4. full quantity or amount; complete allowance. 5.… …