- nude mouse
a virtually hairless mutant laboratory-bred mouse having a major immune system deficiency caused by a lack of T cells, and able to accept grafts of foreign tissue.[1965-70]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
nude mouse — n(y)üd n a mouse of a hairless strain bred for laboratory use that lacks a thymus and mature T cells and is used esp. in immunological research * * * a mouse born without a thymus and therefore no T lymphocytes. Human tumours will often grow in… … Medical dictionary
nude mouse — nude′ mouse′ n. bio lab a hairless mutant laboratory bred mouse having an immune system deficiency and able to accept grafts of foreign tissue … From formal English to slang
Nude mouse — A nude mouse A nude mouse is a laboratory mouse from a strain with a genetic mutation that causes a deteriorated or absent thymus, resulting in an inhibited immune system due to a greatly reduced number of T cells. The phenotype, or main outward… … Wikipedia
nude mouse — noun a mouse with a genetic defect that prevents them from growing hair and also prevents them from immunologically rejecting human cells and tissues; widely used in preclinical trials • Hypernyms: ↑mouse * * * noun : a mouse of a hairless strain … Useful english dictionary
nude mouse — a mouse born without a thymus and therefore no T lymphocytes. Human tumours will often grow in these mice. For unknown reasons these mice are also hairless, hence the name … The new mediacal dictionary
athymic nude mouse — A type of laboratory mouse that is hairless, lacks a normal thymus gland, and has a defective immune system because of a genetic mutation. Athymic nude mice are often used in cancer research because they do not reject tumor cells, from mice or… … English dictionary of cancer terms
nude-мыши безволосые м — nude мыши, безволосые м. * nude мышы, безвалосыя м. * nude mouse лабораторная линия мышей, гомозиготных по рецессивной мутации nu (хромосома 11). Характеризуются полным отсутствием шерсти и тимуса. n. м. лишены Т лимфоцитов (), но имеют природные … Генетика. Энциклопедический словарь
Мышь, Лишенная Волосяного Покрова (Nude Mouse) — мышь, у которой с рождения отсутствует вилочковая железа и поэтому в ее организме не вырабатываются Т лимфоциты. У таких мышей часто образуются опухоли, характерные для человека. В силу неизвестных причин у этих мышей отсутствует волосяной покров … Медицинские термины
mouse — A small rodent belonging to the genus Mus. joint mice Small fibrous, cartilaginous, or bony loose bodies in the synovial cavity of a joint. knockout m. a m. from whose genome a single gene has been artificially deleted.Experimental animals… … Medical dictionary
Humanized mouse — The “humanized mouse” is a mouse carrying functioning human genes, cells, tissues, and/or organs that are initially transplanted and grown in it. It has been often used as in vivo human models in the area of biological and medical research for… … Wikipedia