
/nem"euh rawf', -rof'/, n.
Howard, 1920-91, U.S. poet, novelist, and essayist: U.S. poet laureate 1988-90.

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  • Nemerov — Howard Nemerov (* 29. Februar 1920 in New York City; † 5. Juli 1991 in University City, Missouri) war ein US amerikanischer Literaturdozent, Dichter und Pulitzer Preisträger russisch jüdischer Abstammung. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben 2 …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • NEMEROV, HOWARD — (1920–1991), U.S. poet and novelist. Nemerov was born in New York. His sister was diane arbus , the photographer. He was educated at Harvard and served as a pilot in World War II. He was awarded the Pulitzer Prize (1978) and was the Poet Laureate …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Nemerov (disambiguation) — Nemerov is a Russian surname. It may refer to Howard Nemerov, Pulitzer Prize winner and American poet laureate Alexander Nemerov, a fictional character Tom Clancy s The Sum of All Fears. Diane Nemerov, the maiden name of Diane Arbus This page or… …   Wikipedia

  • Nemerov, Howard — born March 1, 1920, New York, N.Y., U.S. died July 5, 1991, University City, near St. Louis, Mo. U.S. poet. He attended Harvard University and served as a pilot in World War II before teaching at various colleges, including Bennington. His verse …   Universalium

  • Nemerov, Howard — (b. 1920)    American writer and Poet Laureate. Nemerov was educated at Harvard University and served in the American Air Force in World War II. Since then he has taught at various universities including Bennington, Brandeis and Washington… …   Who’s Who in Jewish History after the period of the Old Testament

  • Nemerov — biographical name Howard 1920 1991 American writer; poet laureate (1988 90) …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Nemerov — Nem•e•rov [[t]ˈnɛm əˌrɔf, ˌrɒf[/t]] n. big Howard, 1920–91, U.S. poet and novelist: U.S. poet laureate 1988–90 …   From formal English to slang

  • Nemerov — /nem euh rawf , rof /, n. Howard, 1920 91, U.S. poet, novelist, and essayist: U.S. poet laureate 1988 90 …   Useful english dictionary

  • Howard Nemerov — Nemerov redirects here. For other uses, see Nemerov (disambiguation). Howard Nemerov Born 29 February 1920(1920 02 29) New York City, New York, USA Died …   Wikipedia

  • Nemerov, Howard — (b. 1920)    American writer. He was a student at Harvard, and later taught at Bennington College, Hollins College, Brandeis University and Washington University in St Louis. He also served as consultant in poetry to the Library of Congress. Some …   Dictionary of Jewish Biography

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