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Monomerous — Mo*nom er*ous, a. [Gr. single; mo nos alone + ? part.] 1. (Bot.) Composed of solitary parts, as a flower with one sepal, one petal, one stamen, and one pistil. [1913 Webster] 2. (Zo[ o]l.) Having but one joint; said of the foot of certain insects … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
monomerous — [mō näm′ər əs, mənäm′ər əs] adj. [ModL monomerus < Gr monomerēs, single (< mono , MONO + meros, a part: see MERIT) + OUS] having one member, as a fruit of one carpel … English World dictionary
monomerous — adj. [Gr. monos, one; meros, part] Having only one joint or part … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
monomerous — mo·nom·er·ous … English syllables
monomerous — /mɒˈnɒmərəs/ (say mo nomuhruhs) adjective (of flowers) having one member in each whorl. {Greek monomerēs consisting of one part + ous} …
monomerous — məˈnämərəs adjective Etymology: Greek monomerēs of one part, from mon + meros part more at merit 1. a. of a flower : having a single member in each whorl b. : monocarpellary … Useful english dictionary
acid — Synonyms and related words: DET, DMT, Foamite, LSD, Mary Jane, STP, THC, acerb, acerbate, acerbic, acerbity, acetic, acetose, acetous, acetylsalicylic acid, acid, acidic, acidity, acidulant, acidulated, acidulent, acidulous, acidulousness, acrid … Moby Thesaurus
basic — Synonyms and related words: ab ovo, aboriginal, acid, alkali, austere, bare, basal, basilar, bedrock, biochemical, bottom, capital, central, chaste, chemical, chemicobiological, chemicoengineering, chemicomineralogical, chemicophysical, chemurgic … Moby Thesaurus
biochemical — Synonyms and related words: acid, acidity, agent, alkali, alkalinity, alloisomer, anion, antacid, atom, base, basic, cation, chemical, chemical element, chemicobiological, chemicoengineering, chemicomineralogical, chemicophysical, chemurgic,… … Moby Thesaurus
chemical — Synonyms and related words: Chile saltpeter, absolute alcohol, acetate, acetone, acid, acidity, agent, alcohol, aldehyde, alkali, alkalinity, alloisomer, amine, ammonia, amyl alcohol, anhydride, anion, antacid, arsenate, arsenite, atom, base,… … Moby Thesaurus