
enterogastrone [en΄tər ō΄gas′trōn΄]
a hormone secreted by the upper intestinal mucosa, that inhibits the secretion of gastric juice and stomach movements, thereby slowing digestion, esp. of fats

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en·ter·o·gas·trone (ĕn'tə-rō-găsʹtrōn') n.
A hormone released by the upper intestinal mucosa that inhibits gastric motility and secretion.
  [entero- + gastro- + hormone.]

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      a hormone secreted by the duodenal mucosa when fatty food is in the stomach or small intestine; it is also thought to be released when sugars and proteins are in the intestine. Enterogastrone is transported by the bloodstream to the glands and muscles of the stomach, where it inhibits gastric movements and secretions, possibly by blocking the production or activity of gastrin, the hormone that initially causes these functions. Enterogastrone may slow down stomach emptying by reducing the amount of acid produced. High acid content causes the valve between the stomach and intestine to relax, allowing food passage.

      The chemical identity of enterogastrone is still uncertain. Substances from the intestine that were thought to be enterogastrone have been shown to be composed of not one but possibly as many as three independent hormones. Two of these hormones are now known as secretin and cholecystokinin. Consequently, many functions originally thought to be performed by enterogastrone have been reassigned to these other hormones.

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Universalium. 2010.

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