
/muy"seuhn/, n.
a city in E central Germany, on the Elbe River: famous for fine porcelain. 38,137.

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 city, Saxony Land (state), southeastern Germany. It lies on the Elbe River just northwest of Dresden. It grew out of the early Slavic settlement of Misni and was founded as a German town by King Henry I in 929. In 968 it became the seat of the margravate of Meissen, which passed in 1089 to the house of Wettin, electors of Saxony after 1423. The bishopric of Meissen, established in 968 and suppressed in 1581 after the diocese accepted the Reformation (1559), was re-created in 1921 with its seat at Bautzen. Meissen was chartered in 1205, when it was a bastion of the German colonization of the Slavic lands east of the Elbe. Meissen is famous for the manufacture of porcelain (production dates from the early 18th century), based on extensive local deposits of china clay (kaolin) and potter's clay (potter's earth). Other ceramics are also manufactured, and wine is produced. The city is dominated by a group of 13th- and 14th-century Gothic cathedral buildings and by Albrechts Castle (1471–85). Pop. (2003 est.) 28,640.

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Universalium. 2010.

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