
/mut"oo reuh/, n.
a city in W Uttar Pradesh, in N India: Hindu shrine and holy city; reputed birthplace of Krishna. 140,468. Formerly, Muttra.

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 city, western Uttar Pradesh state, northern India, lying on the Yamuna River northwest of Agra. The site of Mathura was inhabited before the 1st century CE. In the 2nd century the city was a stronghold of Buddhists and Jainas. In 1017–18 Maḥmūd of Ghazna pillaged Mathura, and between 1500 and 1757 it was sacked four times. The city fell under British rule in 1804.

      Situated at a major junction of roads and rail lines, it is an agricultural trade centre with some industry. Several colleges and the Curzon Museum of Archaeology are located in the city. Mathura is the traditional birthplace of the god Krishna and is one of the seven sacred cities of the Hindus. There are a number of temples and ghats, or bathing stairs, along the river. Pop. (2001) 302,770.

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Universalium. 2010.

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