Manchester terrier

Manchester terrier
one of a breed of slender terriers having a short, glossy, black-and-tan coat, raised originally in Manchester, England.

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▪ breed of dog
 breed of dog developed in England from the whippet, a racing dog, and the black-and-tan terrier, a valued ratter, to combine the talents of each. In 1860 the breed was named after the city of Manchester, a breeding centre, but it was often called the black-and-tan terrier until the 1920s. A sleek, shorthaired dog, the Manchester has a long, narrow head, small bright eyes, and a glossy black coat with tan on the head, chest, and legs. There are two varieties, the standard and the toy. The standard stands 14 to 16 inches (35.5 to 40.5 cm), weighs more than 12 pounds (5 kg) but does not exceed 22 pounds (10 kg), and has erect or folded (button) ears. The toy stands about 6 to 7 inches (15 to 18 cm), weighs 12 pounds (5 kg) or less, and has erect ears.

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  • Manchester terrier — prop. n. A breed of short haired black and tan terrier developed in Manchester England. Syn: black and tan terrier. [WordNet 1.5] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Manchester terrier — n. any of a breed of terrier, orig. bred in Manchester, England, with a short, glossy coat, black with tan markings: the two varieties (standard and toy) differ mainly in size …   English World dictionary

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  • Manchester terrier — noun a breed of short haired rat terrier with a black and tan coat that was developed in Manchester, England • Syn: ↑black and tan terrier • Hypernyms: ↑rat terrier, ↑ratter • Hyponyms: ↑toy Manchester, ↑toy Manchester terrier …   Useful english dictionary

  • Manchester terrier — noun a small terrier of a breed with a short black and tan coat …   English new terms dictionary

  • Manchester terrier — noun Etymology: Manchester, England Date: 1891 any of a breed of small short haired black and tan terriers developed in England …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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