Malpighian tube

Malpighian tube
one of a group of long, slender excretory tubules at the anterior end of the hindgut in insects and other terrestrial arthropods. Also called Malpighian tubule, Malpighian vessel.

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  • malpighian tube — noun see malpighian tubule * * * one of a group of long, slender excretory tubules at the anterior end of the hindgut in insects and other terrestrial arthropods. Also called Malpighian tubule, Malpighian vessel. * * * Malpighian tube, Malpighian …   Useful english dictionary

  • Malpighian tube — noun see Malpighian tubule …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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  • malpighian tubule — noun also malpighian tube or malpighian vessel Usage: usually capitalized M : one of the group of long blind vessels opening into the posterior part of the alimentary canal in most insects and some other arthropods and functioning primarily as… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Malpighian tubule — noun Date: 1877 any of a group of long blind vessels opening into the posterior part of the alimentary canal in most insects and some other arthropods and functioning primarily as excretory organs called also Malpighian tube …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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  • Malpighiantube — Malpighian tube n. Any of the excretory tubules leading from the posterior portion of the alimentary canal of insects and other arthropods. Also called Malpighian tubule.   [After Malpighi, Marcello.] * * * …   Universalium

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