
Ashk. Heb., Eng. /mah"gid/; Seph. Hab. /mah geed"/, n., pl. maggidim Ashk. Heb. /mah gee"dim/; Seph. Heb. /mah gee deem"/, maggids. Judaism.
(esp. in Poland and Russia) a wandering Jewish preacher whose sermons contained religious and moral instruction and words of comfort and hope.
[1890-95; < Heb maggidh lit., narrator, messenger]

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▪ Jewish preacher
(Hebrew: “preacher”),plural  Maggidim,  

      any of the many itinerant Jewish preachers who flourished especially in Poland and Russia during the 17th and 18th centuries. Because rabbis at that time preached only on the Sabbaths preceding Pesaḥ (Passover) and Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement), maggidim were in great demand throughout the year to instruct, encourage, and sometimes admonish their congregation. Through their preaching, the maggidim were instrumental in spreading the 18th-century pietistic movement called Ḥasidism. Rabbi Dov Baer of Mezhirich, who succeeded Baʿal Shem Ṭov as leader of the Ḥasidic movement in the 18th century, is known as the Great Maggid.

      Closely associated with the maggidim were other itinerant preachers called mokhiḥim (“reprovers,” or “rebukers”), whose self-appointed task was to admonish their listeners of severe punishments if they failed to observe the commandments. A heavenly being (or voice) that revealed secret meanings to a Jewish mystic was also called a maggid.

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  • MAGGID — (Heb. מַגִּיד; pl. maggidim), literally one who relates (cf. II Sam. 15:13). The term, however, has two special connotations in later Hebrew: a) a popular – and often itinerant – preacher, and b) an angel or supermundane spirit which conveys… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Maggid — (hebr. מַגִּיד, Sprecher , Erzähler ) ist die Bezeichnung für einen jüdischen Wanderprediger, vereinzelt auch für einen rabbinischen Richter (dann unter Hinzufügung der Bezeichnung umore zedek, und Lehrer der Gerechtigkeit ). Die Prediger… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Maggid —   [hebräisch »Sprecher«, »Künder«] der, (s), volkstümlich jüdischer Prediger; im 16. 18. Jahrhundert in kabbalistischen und chassidischen Kreisen Bezeichnung für eine Art innerer Offenbarungsvermittler bei einzelnen heiligmäßigen Gestalten, teils …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Maggid — For other uses, see Maggid (disambiguation). Maggid (מַגִּיד), sometimes spelled as magid, is a traditional Eastern European Jewish religious itinerant preacher, skilled as a narrator of Torah and religious stories. A preacher of the more… …   Wikipedia

  • Maggid — Mag|gid der; s, im <aus gleichbed. hebr. maggîd>: 1. Prediger, bes. im östlichen Judentum. 2. jüd. Ehrentitel …   Das große Fremdwörterbuch

  • Maggid — [ mα:gɪd] noun (plural Maggidim ɪm) an itinerant Jewish preacher. Origin C19: from Heb. maggīḏ narrator …   English new terms dictionary

  • MAGGID-STEINSCHNEIDER, HILLEL NOAH — (1829–1903), Hebrew scholar and writer. Maggid Steinschneider, born in Vilna, owed the first part of his name to his grandfather Phinehas, who was Maggid in Vilna, and the second part to his profession, stonemasonry (Steinschneider). He also was… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Maggid (disambiguation) — Maggid may refer to: Maggid shiur (or Magid Shiur) a lecturer, generally lecturing in one place, on a given topic, on a fixed schedule Maggid (or Magid) a title or profession: a wandering lecturer, often collecting funds Maggid of Mezritch Rabbi… …   Wikipedia

  • MAGGID, DAVID — (1862–1942?), scholar and writer. Maggid was born in Vilna, son of hillel noah maggid steinschneider . As secretary to S.J. Fuenn , he assisted him in writing Ha Ozar ( The Treasury, 1884–1903) and Keneset Yisrael ( Assembly of Israel, 1886–90),… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Maggid shiur — The term Maggid Shiur literarly translates from Hebrew to mean sayer of Shiur . This term is used to refer to the Rabbi that lectures in a Yeshiva or Kollel. A Maggid Shiur is generally a Rabbi who lectures on advanced and in depth Talmudic… …   Wikipedia

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