louping ill

louping ill
/low"ping, loh"-, looh"-/, Vet. Pathol.
an acute viral disease of sheep affecting the nervous system, transmitted by a tick.
[1810-20; see LOUP2]

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also called  Leaping Ill,  

      viral disease mainly of sheep, causing inflammation of the brain and spinal cord. It is transmitted by bites of the castor-bean tick, species Ixodes ricinus. The disease is most common in northern England and Scotland and is called louping (or leaping) ill because infected sheep leap about. Other mammals, including humans, are susceptible, as are woodland birds. There is no specific treatment, but vaccines confer immunity.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • louping ill virus — a tick borne virus of the genus Flavivirus, transmitted by the tick Ixodes ricinus; it causes louping ill of sheep, and is transmissible to humans, in whom it may cause meningitis and encephalitis …   Medical dictionary

  • louping ill — noun Etymology: louping from gerund of loup (I) : a tick borne virus disease of sheep and other domestic animals and rarely man that is related to or identical with the Russian spring summer encephalitis of man and occurs characteristically as a… …   Useful english dictionary

  • louping ill — loup·ing ill lau̇ piŋ , lō n a variable tick borne disease of sheep and other domestic animals that affects primarily the central nervous system and is caused by a flavivirus (genus Flavivirus) * * * a type of encephalomyelitis usually seen in… …   Medical dictionary

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  • louping ill — [ laʊpɪŋɪl] noun a tick borne viral disease of animals, especially sheep, causing staggering and jumping. Origin ME: from loup (dialect var of leap) + the noun ill …   English new terms dictionary

  • louping-ill — loupˈing ill noun A disease causing sheep to spring up in walking, due to a virus transmitted by ticks, one of several diseases in sheep known as staggers • • • Main Entry: ↑loup …   Useful english dictionary

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