Louis Seize

Louis Seize
noting or pertaining to the style of architecture, furnishings, and decoration prevailing in France at the end of the 18th century, continuing the lightness of the Louis Quinze period with a stricter adherence to classical models.
[1890-95; < F: Louis XVI]

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  • Louis Seize — Lou′is Seize′ [[t]sɛz[/t]] adj. fur archit. of or designating the style of architecture, furniture, and decoration in France under Louis XVI, characterized by a revival of classical models • Etymology: 1890–95; < F: Louis XVI …   From formal English to slang

  • Louis-Seize — Louˈis Seizeˈ / sezˈ/ adjective Characteristic of the reign of Louis XVI (1774–92) • • • Main Entry: ↑louis …   Useful english dictionary

  • Louis Seize — adjective Etymology: French, Louis XVI Date: 1882 of, relating to, or characteristic of the architecture or furniture of the reign of Louis XVI of France …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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