Echegaray y Eizaguirre, José

Echegaray y Eizaguirre, José
E·che·ga·ray y Ei·za·guir·re (ā'chə-gə-rīʹ ēā'sə-gîrʹā, -gwîrʹā, ĕ'chĕ-gä-rīʹ ēā'thä-gēʹrĕ), José. 1832-1916.
Spanish mathematician, politician, and playwright whose works include The Great Galeoto (1881). He shared the 1904 Nobel Prize for literature.

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▪ Spanish dramatist
born April 19, 1832, Madrid, Spain
died Sept. 4, 1916, Madrid

      mathematician, statesman, and the leading Spanish dramatist of the last quarter of the 19th century. Along with the Provençal poet Frédéric Mistral (Mistral, Frédéric), he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1904.

      A professor of mathematics in his early life, he entered government service in 1868, holding various positions. He was named minister of finance in 1874 and played a major role in developing the Banco de España.

      His first play, El libro talonario (“The Checkbook”), was not produced until 1874, when he was 42; but he had a prolific career, producing an average of two plays a year for the rest of his life. His early work is almost wholly Romantic, but, under the influence of Henrik Ibsen and others, he turned to thesis drama in his later work. He often displayed his thesis by use of a satiric reversal; in O locura o santidad (1877; Madman or Saint), he showed that honesty is condemned as madness by society. In all his plays his manner is melodramatic. Though forgotten now, he achieved tremendous popularity in his day because of his fertile imagination, which he almost invariably used to compensate for his lack of dramatic force. His use of skillfully contrived stage effects, although disastrous in much of his own work, did much to revolutionize the scope of the Spanish theatre.

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