- limber hole
Naut.any of a series of holes pierced through a frame or floor to allow the passage of accumulated moisture.[1620-30]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
limber hole — noun Etymology: limber (as in limbers) + hole : a drain hole near the bottom of a frame or other structural member of a ship see ship illustration * * * Naut. any of a series of holes pierced through a frame or floor to allow the passage of… … Useful english dictionary
limber hole — A small drain hole or slot in a frame or plate for the purpose of preventing water or oil from collecting … Dictionary of automotive terms
hole — See access hole bolt hole countersunk hole cubby hole drain hole limber hole oil filter hole pilot hole radiator fill hole spurt hole … Dictionary of automotive terms
limber — limber1 limberly, adv. limberness, n. /lim beuhr/, adj. 1. characterized by ease in bending the body; supple; lithe. 2. bending readily; flexible; pliant. v.i. 3. to make oneself limber (usually fol. by up): to limber up before the game. v.t … Universalium
limber — I. /ˈlɪmbə / (say limbuh) adjective 1. bending readily; flexible; pliant. 2. characterised by ease in bending the body; supple; lithe. –verb (t) 3. to make limber. –phrase 4. limber up, to make oneself limber. {? related to limb1 arm, leg}… …
СОРТРОСНЫЙ КАНАЛ — (Limber hole) см. Лимбербордовый канал. Самойлов К. И. Морской словарь. М. Л.: Государственное Военно морское Издательство НКВМФ Союза ССР, 1941 … Морской словарь
отверстие в ограждении плавучего бурового основания — (для свободного выхода воды наружу) [http://slovarionline.ru/anglo russkiy slovar neftegazovoy promyishlennosti/] Тематики нефтегазовая промышленность EN limber hole … Справочник технического переводчика
Limbers and caissons (military) — A limber is a two wheeled cart designed to support the trail of an artillery piece, allowing it to be towed. A caisson is a two wheeled cart designed to carry ammunition; it was frequently towed before the limber.Before the 19th centuryAs… … Wikipedia
Grand Teton National Park — Infobox protected area | name = Grand Teton National Park iucn category = II caption = locator x = 75 locator y = 48 location = Teton County, Wyoming, USA nearest city = Jackson lat degrees = 43 lat minutes = 44 lat seconds = 0 lat direction = N… … Wikipedia
The Borderland of Sol — is an English language science fiction novelette written in 1975 by Larry Niven. It is the fifth in the Known Space series of stories about crashlander Beowulf Shaeffer. The story was originally published in Analog , January 1975, printed in the… … Wikipedia