learned borrowing

learned borrowing
a word or other linguistic form borrowed from a classical language into a modern language.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • learned borrowing — /lerr nid/ a word or other linguistic form borrowed from a classical language into a modern language. * * * learned borrowing, 1. the process of borrowing a classical word into a modern Romance language directly, with slight phonetic alteration.… …   Useful english dictionary

  • col|league — col|league1 «KOL eeg», noun. an associate; fellow worker or fellow member of a profession or organization: »The teacher s colleagues taught his classes while he was ill. ╂[< Middle French collègue, learned borrowing from Latin collega one… …   Useful english dictionary

  • hom|i|cide — hom|i|cide1 «HOM uh syd, HOH muh », noun. a killing of one human being by another. Intentional homicide is murder. ╂[< Old French homicide, learned borrowing from Latin homicīdium < homō, inis man + cīdium cide2] hom|i|cide2 «HOM uh syd,… …   Useful english dictionary

  • me|ter — me|ter1 «MEE tuhr», noun. 1. the basic measure of length in the metric system, approximately equal to 39.37 inches. It was intended to be, and very nearly is, equal to one ten millionth of the distance from the equator to either pole measured on… …   Useful english dictionary

  • con|vers´er — con|verse1 «verb. kuhn VURS; noun. KON vurs», verb, versed, vers|ing, noun. –v.i. 1. to talk together in an informal way; engage in conversation. SYNONYM(S): chat. 2. to hold spiritual communion (with): »and there converse with nature …   Useful english dictionary

  • con|verse — con|verse1 «verb. kuhn VURS; noun. KON vurs», verb, versed, vers|ing, noun. –v.i. 1. to talk together in an informal way; engage in conversation. SYNONYM(S): chat. 2. to hold spiritual communion (with): »and there converse with nature …   Useful english dictionary

  • doc|tor — «DOK tuhr», noun, verb. –n. 1. a person who knows how to treat diseases or physical or mental disorders; physician, dentist, or surgeon. A doctor must have a license to practice medicine. Abbr: Dr. 2. any person who treats diseases: »a witch… …   Useful english dictionary

  • ju|rist — «JUR ihst», noun. 1. an expert in law. 2. a learned writer on law. 3. a student or graduate in law. ╂[< Middle French juriste, learned borrowing from Medieval Latin jurista < Latin jūs, jūris law] …   Useful english dictionary

  • nat´u|ral|ness — nat|u|ral «NACH uhr uhl, NACH ruhl», adjective, noun. –adj. 1. produced by nature; based on some state of things in nature: »Scenery has natural beauty. 2. a) not man made or artificial: »the natural color of hair. Coal and oil are natural… …   Useful english dictionary

  • nat|u|ral — «NACH uhr uhl, NACH ruhl», adjective, noun. –adj. 1. produced by nature; based on some state of things in nature: »Scenery has natural beauty. 2. a) not man made or artificial: »the natural color of hair. Coal and oil are natural products. The… …   Useful english dictionary

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