law of reflection — atspindžio dėsnis statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. law of reflection vok. Reflexionsgesetz, n; Spiegelgesetz, n; Spiegelungsgesetz, n rus. закон отражения, m pranc. loi de la réflexion, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
law of reflection — a statement in optics: when light falls upon a plane surface it is so reflected that the angle of reflection is equal to the angle of incidence and that the incident ray, reflected ray, and normal ray all lie in the plane of incidence * * * the… … Useful english dictionary
reflection — I (image) noun counterpart, double, duplicate, echo, imago, impression, likeness, semblance, specter II (thought) noun absorption, analysis, cerebration, cogitatio, cogitation, concentration, consideratio, consideration, contemplation,… … Law dictionary
Reflection (physics) — Reflection is the change in direction of a wave front at an between two different media so that the wave front returns into the medium from which it originated. Common examples include the reflection of light, sound and water waves. Law of… … Wikipedia
reflection — reflectional, adj. reflectionless, adj. /ri flek sheuhn/, n. 1. the act of reflecting or the state of being reflected. 2. an image; representation; counterpart. 3. a fixing of the thoughts on something; careful consideration. 4. a thought… … Universalium
Reflection nebula — In Astronomy, reflection nebulae are clouds of dust which are simply reflecting the light of a nearby star or stars. The energy from the nearby star, or stars, is insufficient to ionize the gas of the nebula to create an emission nebula, but is… … Wikipedia
Reflection seismology — (or seismic reflection) is a method of exploration geophysics that uses the principles of seismology to estimate the properties of the Earth s subsurface from reflected seismic waves. The method requires a controlled seismic source of energy,… … Wikipedia
Law, Crime, and Law Enforcement — ▪ 2006 Introduction Trials of former heads of state, U.S. Supreme Court rulings on eminent domain and the death penalty, and high profile cases against former executives of large corporations were leading legal and criminal issues in 2005.… … Universalium
Law of the United States — The law of the United States was originally largely derived from the common law system of English law, which was in force at the time of the Revolutionary War. [Lawrence M. Friedman, A History of American Law , 3rd ed. (New York: Touchstone,… … Wikipedia
law, philosophy of — Introduction the formulation of concepts and theories to aid in understanding the nature of law, the sources of its authority, and its role in society. In English speaking countries the term “jurisprudence” is often used synonymously and is … Universalium