
/kooh"geuhl hopf', -hawpf'/, n. German Cookery.
a sweetened bread, flavored with raisins and almonds, baked in a ring-shaped mold, and usually dusted with powdered sugar before serving.
[1885-90; < G Gugelhopf (orig. Swiss G), Gugelhupf (orig. Austrian, south G dial.), equiv. to Gugel a hood with a liripipe and partial covering for the shoulders, worn in the Middle Ages (MHG gugel, OHG chugela, cucula < LL cuculla; see COWL1) + -hopf, -hupf, n. deriv. of MHG hopfen to HOP1, skip, jump; appar. from the cake's tendency to overflow the pan in a shape likened to the headgear]

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