Khoikhoi — Hombre khoikhoi Idioma Lenguas joisanas Religión Animista, Islam … Wikipedia Español
Khoikhoi — Khoïkhoï Pour la ville de Khoï en Iran, voir Khoy. Khoïkhoï … Wikipédia en Français
Khoikhoi — Khoikhoi, auch Khoekhoen ([ˈkʊkʊn]), (wahre Menschen) ist ein Sammelbegriff für eine Gruppe kulturell und sprachlich eng miteinander verwandter Völker in Südafrika und Namibia. Zusammen mit den San bevölkerten sie bei der Ankunft der ersten… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Khoikhoi — The Khoikhoi ( people people or real people ) or Khoi, in standardised Khoekhoe/Nama orthography spelled Khoekhoe, are a historical division of the Khoisan ethnic group, who were the native Black Africans of southwestern Africa, closely related… … Wikipedia
Khoïkhoï — Pour la ville de Khoï en Iran, voir Khoy. Khoïkhoï Populations … Wikipédia en Français
Khoikhoi — noun (plural Khoikhoi) Date: 1791 1. a member of any of a group of Khoisan speaking pastoral peoples of southern Africa 2. the group of Khoisan languages spoken by the Khoikhoi … New Collegiate Dictionary
khoikhoi — ant. hotentote (peyorativo) Grupo de pueblos que hablan lenguas khoisan, estuvieron entre los primeros africanos meridionales autóctonos que tuvieron contacto con los europeos. Antes de ese encuentro, eran pastores que cuidaban grandes rebaños de … Enciclopedia Universal
Khoikhoi — /ˈkɔɪkɔɪ/ (say koykoy) noun 1. a people of southern Africa, traditionally leading a nomadic lifestyle, including the Nama people, now almost extinct. 2. (plural Khoikhoi) a member of this people. 3. the language of this people, belonging to the… …
Khoikhoi — [ kɔɪkɔɪ] (also Khoi khoin kɔɪn, Khoi) noun (plural same) a member of a group of indigenous peoples of South Africa and Namibia, including the Nama. Origin Nama, lit. men of men . Usage Khoikhoi should be used in preference to the earlier term… … English new terms dictionary
Khoikhoi — Khoi•khoi [[t]ˈkɔɪˌkɔɪ[/t]] n. pl. khois, (esp. collectively) khoi. 1) peo a member of any of a group of pastoral peoples, physically and linguistically akin to the San, who inhabited present day Cape Province, South Africa, in the 17th century… … From formal English to slang