- Khafaje
/khah"fah yay', kah"-/, n.the site of an ancient city in E Iraq: occupied at different times by the Akkadians and the Sumerians.Also, Khafajeh.
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Khafaje — /khah fah yay , kah /, n. the site of an ancient city in E Iraq: occupied at different times by the Akkadians and the Sumerians. Also, Khafajeh … Useful english dictionary
Khafajah — or Khafaje (modern Diyala Governorate in Iraq, on the Diyala River, a tributary of the Tigris) was the ancient town of Tutub in the city state of Eshnunna. The site lies sevenmiles east of Baghdad and 12 miles southeast of Eshnunna. History… … Wikipedia
Eshnunna — Babylonia at the time of Hammurabi, ca. 1792 1750 BC Coordinates … Wikipedia
Датировочные таблицы царствований по клинописям — Датировочные таблицы царствований по клинописям … Википедия
Dur-Sharrukin — Coordinates: 36°30′34″N 43°13′46″E / 36.509537°N 43.229315°E / 36.509537; 43.229315 … Wikipedia
Дур-Шаррукин — Координаты: 36° с. ш. 43° в. д. / 36.509537° с. ш. 43.229315° в. д. … Википедия
DELOUGAZ, PIERRE PINCHAS — (1901–1975), educator and archaeologist. Born in Russia, he went as a child with his parents to Palestine. Later he studied in France and the United States. His activities as field archaeologist included excavations at nuzi (Iraq), 1928–29; at… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
FRANKFORT, HENRI — (1897–1954), excavator, teacher, and author in the field of Near Eastern archaeology. Frankfort, who was born in Amsterdam, was concerned with the archaeology, culture, and religion of the entire Middle East. His wide ranging scholarship enabled… … Encyclopedia of Judaism