key grip

key grip
the chief stagehand on a movie set.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • key grip — ► NOUN ▪ the person in a film crew who is in charge of the camera equipment …   English terms dictionary

  • Key grip — In American and Canadian film making, the key grip is the chief grip on the set. Like a foreman, the key grip directs a crew of grips, some with specialized skills such as dolly grips, crane operators, camera car operators, etc. The key grip is… …   Wikipedia

  • key grip — Motion Pictures. the chief stagehand on a movie set. [1975 80] * * * key grip noun The chief grip in a film crew • • • Main Entry: ↑key * * * key grip, Theater. the chief stagehand. * * * n. the person in a film crew who is in charge of the… …   Useful english dictionary

  • key grip — n. the head laborer on a movie set. (Filmmaking.) □ The key grip has a complaint that could hold up production. □ What is the key grip’s beef? …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • Key Grip — F/A/V The chief grip who works directly with the gaffer in creating shadow effects for set lighting and who supervises camera cranes, dollies and other platforms or supporting structures according to the requirements of the director of… …   Audio and video glossary

  • key grip — /ˈki grɪp/ (say kee grip) noun the chief stagehand on a movie set or in a television studio, responsible for setting up camera tracks and scenery …  

  • key grip — noun Date: 1977 the technician in charge of moving and setting up camera tracks and scenery in a motion picture or television production …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • key grip — noun the person in a film crew who is in charge of the camera equipment …   English new terms dictionary

  • Grip — may refer to: Cinema * Grip (job), job in the film industry * Key grip, the chief grip on a film set Sport * Pistol grip, the handle of a pistol * Grip (sport fencing), hilt of a sword * Grip (tennis), how a tennis racquet is held * Grip (cricket …   Wikipedia

  • Grip — steht für: Grip (Film), fahrbarer Kran, an den Filmkameras, Ton oder Lichtgeräte für besondere Kamera und/oder Szeneneinstellungen montiert werden den Operateur einer solchen Kameraplattform, im Fachjargon grip, key grip oder dolly grip genannt,… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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